Department News

[세미나]On Some Technical Challenges for Developing Smart Robots

Seminar Date 2012-01-06
세미나 공고

제 목: On Some Technical Challenges for Developing Smart Robots

일 시: 2012년 1월12일(목), 오전 11:00

장 소: 서울대학교 (302동 309호)

연 사: Professor Suh Il Hong, Hanyang University

약 력: He had been a Senior Research Fellow at Daewoo Heavy Industries when he developed the NOVA10, the first industrial robot in Korea. From 2006 to 2008, he was the director of the Network based Intelligent Robot Education Center and thus contributed greatly to the fostering domestic experts on intelligent robotics, and he founded the Robot Specialized Education Consortium (RoSEC) in May 2009. He was the vice president of the Korea Robotics Society from 2003 to 2007, president of the Korea Robotics Society in 2008, and was president of the System and Control Society of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea (IEEK) from 2006 to 2007. He was listed in the Who’s who in the World in 2008 and 2009.

Abstract: One of the most renowned philosophers of our day, Daniel Dennett, said in his book "Kinds of Minds" that our minds are complex fabrics, woven from many different stands and incorporating many different designs. Dennett has classified minds into four different types in evolutionary perspective and the Gregorian creatures is the highest level of mind, using language as a tool of both modeling and acquiring information for survival. Now a day, robots such as Sony''s AIBO, KAIST HUBO, and Honda''s ASIMO, has reached a high level of development stage in a sense of reaction or regulation technology. And, the level of development of expertise and planning, which are believed to be part of high-level intelligence, has also reached a high level stage. However, the intelligence in this area is not applicable to all tasks in its current stage but is restricted to specialized applications as such as the Deep Blue, which is a professional system that wins against world chess champions, or STRIPS, a task planning system. This kind of planning intelligence for a restricted area can be seen as a narrow AI. Thus, we can say that General and Practical AI abilities have not yet been developed; therefore interaction, common sense, and vision, the intelligence of Gregorian creatures, are in a relatively low stage of technological development. This type of intelligence is naturally shown by humans, but it is extremely difficult for robots to realize this area of intelligence. This is because in the case of humans and other intelligent animals, they have various computational modules considered as cognitive substrates being utilized for various objectives that have been evolved over a long time and which are all embedded in the brain. Unfortunately, such specific modules that being currently used are not clear, and even if we specifically know what modules are used, there are insufficient specific knowledge on why those modules are used, and in particular how to model such modules. In this talk, some necessary conditions for developing smart robots are discussed by considering four levels of intelligence arising from evolution. There will be discussed what are key features of intelligence at each level of evolution, what has to be considered to implement each level of intelligence, and what difficulties are expected in achieving natural forms of robot intelligence. In addition, there will be shared some experiences for challenging such natural forms of robot intelligence at INCORL, Hanyang University.

(초청자: 컴퓨터 공학부 장병탁 교수님)