Seminar and Event
Advances in the Art and Science of Titanium Alloy Processing
Seminar Date
1. 제목 : Advances in the Art and Science of Titanium Alloy Processing
2. 연사 : Dr. Lee Semiatin
Materials Directorate, Senior Scientist in the Metals and Ceramics Division
3. 일시 : 2001년 5월 4일 (금요일) 오전 11:00 (1시간)
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호 (15층 세미나실)
5. 내용 :
The processing of titanium alloys offers extensive opportunities for the control of micro structure, texture, and hence properties. In the first part of the presentation, an overview of the micro structures that are obtained during conventional solidification and deformation processes will be presented. Micro structure evolution in emerging casting, heat treatment, and solid-free form fabrication processes for alpha/beta alloys will also be described. In the second part of the talk, current understanding of the conversion of ingot micro structures to equiaxed ones during the hot working of alpha/beta alloys will be summarized. The application of advanced characterization and modeling tools to describe the evolution of micro structure and texture will be reviewed.
6. 연사 약력 :
B.S in Engineering Mechanics from Johns Hopkins University
M.S and Ph.D degrees in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University
Fellow of ASM in 1992 and Fellow of Wright Laboratory in 1993
Member of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society
Honorary Member of Alpha Sigma Mu in 1996
7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 오수익 교수 (880-7151)
2. 연사 : Dr. Lee Semiatin
Materials Directorate, Senior Scientist in the Metals and Ceramics Division
3. 일시 : 2001년 5월 4일 (금요일) 오전 11:00 (1시간)
4. 장소 : 301동 1512호 (15층 세미나실)
5. 내용 :
The processing of titanium alloys offers extensive opportunities for the control of micro structure, texture, and hence properties. In the first part of the presentation, an overview of the micro structures that are obtained during conventional solidification and deformation processes will be presented. Micro structure evolution in emerging casting, heat treatment, and solid-free form fabrication processes for alpha/beta alloys will also be described. In the second part of the talk, current understanding of the conversion of ingot micro structures to equiaxed ones during the hot working of alpha/beta alloys will be summarized. The application of advanced characterization and modeling tools to describe the evolution of micro structure and texture will be reviewed.
6. 연사 약력 :
B.S in Engineering Mechanics from Johns Hopkins University
M.S and Ph.D degrees in Metallurgy and Materials Science from Carnegie Mellon University
Fellow of ASM in 1992 and Fellow of Wright Laboratory in 1993
Member of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society
Honorary Member of Alpha Sigma Mu in 1996
7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 오수익 교수 (880-7151)