Department News

[세미나] GM Volt technology and its real-world in-use (김민중 박사, General Motors)

Seminar Date 2013-07-17

1. 제  목 : GM Volt technology and its real-world in-use

2. 연  사 : 김민중 박사 (General Motors)

3. 일  시 : 2013년 7월 17일 (수) 오후 3시 - 4시

4. 장  소 : 301동 1512-2호

5. 내용
  Overview of General Motors Chevrolet Volt technology will be provided in the first part of this seminar. Concept of EREV definition will be explained.  Controls, cross section, and technical challenges of the Voltec powertrain will be discussed. In the second part, 1 full year real-world uses of 500 Chevy Volt customers will be discussed. The large scale data collected by GM On-Star system shows how the EREV customers charged and used their Volts in the real world and how much they actually achieved petroleum displacement compared to other plug-in hybrid vehicles or battery electric vehicles. 

6. 연사약력
  Min-Joong Kim is a Hybrid and Electric Energy Systems Engineer at Electrification Architecture group of General Motors.  Since he joined General Motors in 2007, he has dedicated his time and effort to the future GM hybrid vehicle development and led energy and dynamic analysis of numerous future programs. Before he joined GM, he earned both Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and M.S. in Electrical Engineering: System from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. For the Ph.D. degree, he did research on modeling, control, and design optimization of a fuel cell hybrid vehicle, working with Prof. Huei Peng.  He also holds M.S. and B.S. degrees in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering from Seoul National University. He has 15 U.S. patents granted or applied as of 2013. He is a member of SAE international and has been reviewing technical papers submitted to Advance Propulsion Hybrid section at SAE world congress every year since 2008. 
7. 문  의 : 기계항공공학부 송한호 교수 (☏ 880-1651)