Department News

[세미나] Assessing the Security of Enhanced Loran (Dr. Sherman Lo, Senior Researcher, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics S

Seminar Date 2013-07-10

1. 제  목 :  Assessing the Security of Enhanced Loran

2. 연  사 : Dr. Sherman Lo  
              (Senior Researcher, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics Stanford University)

3. 일  시 : 2013년 7월 10일 (수)  오후 4시 ~ 5시

4. 장  소 : 서울대학교 301동 117호 세미나실

5. 내  용 :
  Precise and ubiquitous position navigation and timing (PNT), particularly from Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), are ever more important for safety of life, economically critical infrastructure and security application. As a result, the robustness and security of a radionavigation system is important as it may be targeted by subversive elements who may seek to deny or spoof its signals for economic gains or to create turmoil and panic. A solution for GNSS is to have a robust back up such as enhanced Loran (eLoran) which can provide multi-modal PNT back up to GNSS.  However, to have true security, eLoran itself needs to be robust to attacks directed at it. This talk examines the capabilities of eLoran to provide navigation security. 
  A robust and secure eLoran means it needs to be resistant to many forms of jamming and spoofing. Two general implementations of attacks are outlined: over-the-air and direct inject.  For over-the-air attacks, the key relationship for the effectiveness of an attack is between the equipment used and the power needed to carry of that attack. Due to its high power and low frequency, overpowering eLoran is difficult especially if the attacker does not want to be easily detected.  Another interesting result is that while jamming is easier than spoofing in the case of GNSS, with eLoran, a spoofing attack can be implemented with lower power than jamming. Fortunately, we can develop many ways for to detect spoofing on eLoran. A direct inject attack is one where the attack is implemented on the antenna input to the receiver, thus circumventing the physical difficulties of an over-the-air attack. An example of a direct inject spoofing attack is one where the attacker connects the target receiver to a simulator. These attacks are subversive in that the receiver has no outside information to help with detection.  The talk will discuss techniques to aid the authentication of the eLoran signal particularly through the use of cryptographic signatures.

6. 약  력
2013.01 - : Western Region Vice President of the Institute of Navigation
2008.09 – Present : Senior Research Engineer, Stanford University
2002.07-2008.09 : Research Engineer, Stanford University
2002.07 : Ph.D. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford University
1998.06 : M.S. Engineering Economic Systems & Operations Research, Stanford University
1995.06 : M.S. Aeronautics & Astronautics, Stanford University
1994.05 : B.S. Aerospace Engineering, Mathematics, University of Maryland College Park
7. 문  의 : 기계항공공학부 기창돈 교수 (☏ 880-1912)