Department News
What we can do to advance child health in developing countries –Vaccine’s case (Dr. R. Leon Ochiai)
1. Title : What we can do to advance child health in developing countries –Vaccine’s case
2. Speaker : Dr. R. Leon Ochiai
3. Date : March 11 (Monday), 15:30 ~ 16:45
4. Venue : Building 301, Room 305
5. Abstract :
Globally, child mortality has significantly reduced during the last century. With the Millennium Development Goal in place, child mortality has also dramatically improved in developing countries in the last decade. However, the challenges remain. In this seminar, we will discuss how vaccines and vaccination have reduced child mortality and contributed to healthier society. Upon learning brief history of vaccines and vaccination, we will examine ways to improve the coverage and ensure delivering vaccines safely to the people in need. In order for a vaccine to be shipped out from the manufacturer and to reach the child, there are various hurdles to maintain the quality. While we examine the path, we will discuss to see how new technologies may assist this process and contribute to improving child health, with a focus in developing countries.
6. Experiences :
R. Leon Ochiai, DPhil, MHS has been involved in infectious disease epidemiology research in international settings, with more than 10 years of field experience conducting field research activities mainly in vaccine preventable diseases. He is an author/co-author of more than 50 scientific articles, three book chapters, and has presented both locally and internationally on epidemiology of typhoid fever.
• Research Scientist at the International Vaccine Institute (IVI)
• Master of Health Sciences (MHS) degree from the Johns Hopkins University
School of Hygiene and Public Health, USA
• Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) degree from the University of Oxford, UK
• Coordinating the VIVA (Vi-based Vaccine for Asia) Initiative
7. Contact : Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn (☏ 880-7110)