Department News

[멀티스케일 에너지 강좌]배중면교수(카이스트 기계공학과)

Seminar Date 2012-06-12
교육과학기술부 글로벌프론티어 (재)멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단은 나노기술과 에너지 기술의 융합을 통하여 혁신적 미래 광에너지와 분자에너지 원천기술 개발을 목표로 하는 멀티 스케일 에너지 시스템 연구사업을 추진하고 있습니다. 연구단에서는 격주로 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌를 개최합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.
1.제 목 : Ditry energy smart by investigation of reaction mechanism and design
2.연 사 : 배중면 교수 (카이스트 기계공학과)
3.일 시 : 2012년 6월 18일 (월) 16:00 ~ 17:00
4.장 소 : 서울대학교 정밀기계설계공동연구소 (313동) 201호
5.내 용 : Abstract : “Dirty energy smart” technology is widely investigated recently, which is converting dirty energy (biomass, coal and tar etc.) to renewable energy by using chemical reaction processes. Biomass and coal gasification are famous examples of dirty energy smart technology. The fossil fuel is very limited resources though modern civilization is highly dependent on petroleum industries. This explains the current sharp increasing trends of oil prices and other political reasons even stimulated the trend. Therefore, it is very important to find the way using fossil fuel smartly. As one of dirty energy smart technology, KAIST has been studying diesel reforming technology for 10 years. Carbon deposition on the reactor was found to be the main barrier from KAIST research and we found that ethylene has critical role in carbon deposition process. We also found the ethylene suppression and cleaning methods and the research has been successful though the carbon deposition mechanism was not understood. Therefore, the mechanism needs to be investigated in near future. The presentation will deliver the current state of diesel reforming technology of KAIST and describe the academic results related to understand the carbon deposition mechanism and derive the major barrier in dirty fuel smart technology.
6. 약 력 : 1989 B.Sc. Seoul National University, South Korea 1991 M.Sc. Seoul National University, South Korea 1996 Ph.D. Imperial College London, UK 1996-1999 NEDO Researcher, Electrochemical Laboratory, Japan 1999-2002 Staff Scientist, Argonne National Laboratory, USA 2002-Present Professor, KAIST, South Korea
* 문 의 : 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 연구지원본부 (☏ 889-6669,6670) 남기태 교수 (재료공학부), 최만수 교수 (기계항공공학부)