Department News
[세미나]Waste Heat Recovery Systems for Improved Fuel Economy in Automotive Applications
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : Waste Heat Recovery Systems for Improved Fuel Economy in Automotive Applications
2. 연 사 : 정 도 회 교수(The University of Michigan - Dearborn)
3. 일 시 : 2012년 6월 19일 (화) 오후 4:30-5:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 1512-2호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
As specific power increases and packaging requirements become more severe, reduced heat rejection and effective thermal management become a crucial part of designing future high performance, more agile vehicles. Furthermore, fuel economy improvement by optimizing control of auxiliary powertrain components and reducing parasitic power consumption is of paramount importance with rapidly rising oil price and growing concerns on environment.
Systematic investigation on the strategies to reduce parasitic power consumption of the vehicle thermal management system while maintaining its performance has not been thoroughly investigated at the system level due to complex interactions between the vehicle thermal management system and powertrain system and lack of technical tools for system analysis. However, with recent progress in numerical modeling techniques and concurrent computational hardware improvement, numerical modeling has been more widely used as an efficient tool for feasibility studies on new components and system configurations at the early product development stage.
In this study vehicle thermal management system models has been developed for waste heat recovery systems using a commercial 1-D Multi-Domain System Simulation from LMS Int’l to explore and demonstrate strategies for vehicle thermal management for improved fuel economy. Fuel economy benefits were evaluated with the integrated powertrain and cooling system model. Case studies were performed to evaluate potential fuel economy improvements using electric water pump, exhaust engine oil heater, and electric/exhaust automatic transmission fluid (ATF) heater, Quantitative assessments were given to the effect of raising the coolant temperature, engine oil temperature and/or ATF temperature on the fuel economy.
6. 연사약력 :
Dr. Dohoy Jung is a professor of Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan (Dearborn campus). He has 21 years of academic and professional experiences in the automotive field. He received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor campus) in 2001, and B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University in Korea in 1989 and 1991, respectively.
During his academic career he has developed 24 funded grants and contracts with the accumulated budget of over $2.6 million. Sponsors include automotive industry, heavy-duty industry, U.S. government, and nonprofit foundation. He received the Distinguished Research Award from the University of Michigan-Dearborn in 2012. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers.
His research interest has been focused on thermal-fluid sciences and their applications to automotive energy conversion systems such as IC engines, hybrid powertrains, PEM fuel cell systems, vehicle thermal management, and system integration.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송한호 교수 (880-1651)
2. 연 사 : 정 도 회 교수(The University of Michigan - Dearborn)
3. 일 시 : 2012년 6월 19일 (화) 오후 4:30-5:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 1512-2호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
As specific power increases and packaging requirements become more severe, reduced heat rejection and effective thermal management become a crucial part of designing future high performance, more agile vehicles. Furthermore, fuel economy improvement by optimizing control of auxiliary powertrain components and reducing parasitic power consumption is of paramount importance with rapidly rising oil price and growing concerns on environment.
Systematic investigation on the strategies to reduce parasitic power consumption of the vehicle thermal management system while maintaining its performance has not been thoroughly investigated at the system level due to complex interactions between the vehicle thermal management system and powertrain system and lack of technical tools for system analysis. However, with recent progress in numerical modeling techniques and concurrent computational hardware improvement, numerical modeling has been more widely used as an efficient tool for feasibility studies on new components and system configurations at the early product development stage.
In this study vehicle thermal management system models has been developed for waste heat recovery systems using a commercial 1-D Multi-Domain System Simulation from LMS Int’l to explore and demonstrate strategies for vehicle thermal management for improved fuel economy. Fuel economy benefits were evaluated with the integrated powertrain and cooling system model. Case studies were performed to evaluate potential fuel economy improvements using electric water pump, exhaust engine oil heater, and electric/exhaust automatic transmission fluid (ATF) heater, Quantitative assessments were given to the effect of raising the coolant temperature, engine oil temperature and/or ATF temperature on the fuel economy.
6. 연사약력 :
Dr. Dohoy Jung is a professor of Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Michigan (Dearborn campus). He has 21 years of academic and professional experiences in the automotive field. He received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor campus) in 2001, and B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University in Korea in 1989 and 1991, respectively.
During his academic career he has developed 24 funded grants and contracts with the accumulated budget of over $2.6 million. Sponsors include automotive industry, heavy-duty industry, U.S. government, and nonprofit foundation. He received the Distinguished Research Award from the University of Michigan-Dearborn in 2012. He has published over 40 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers.
His research interest has been focused on thermal-fluid sciences and their applications to automotive energy conversion systems such as IC engines, hybrid powertrains, PEM fuel cell systems, vehicle thermal management, and system integration.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송한호 교수 (880-1651)