Department News

[기계전공대학원 세미나]이태경박사(University of Michigan)

Seminar Date 2012-03-13
1. 제 목 : Research Issues and Directions of Advanced Propulsion System:
Multidisciplinary Approaches
2. 연 사 : 이 태 경 박사(University of Michigan)
3. 일 시 : 2012년 3월 16일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
Dr. Tae-Kyung Lee is an assistant research scientist, research faculty, in Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Michigan. He received Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Seoul National University, South Korea, in 1996 and 1998, respectively, and his Ph.D degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan in 2009. He worked as a senior research engineer on powertrain computer aided engineering (CAE) at Hyundai Motor Company, South Korea (1998~2005).  Dr. Lee has authored nearly 30 peer refereed journal (SCI and SCIE) and conference papers. He is a winner of the Donald Julius Groen Award (2011) by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Mechatronics (IMechE), Informatics and Control Group as authors of outstanding papers or for outstanding achievements in their sphere of activity in 2010. His research interests include: advanced powertrain modeling, optimal calibration, and transient control; hybrid propulsion system design optimization, supervisory control development, sub-system feedback control; driving cycle analysis and real-world driving cycle synthesis; Li-ion battery research on modeling, analysis, and battery management system development.

6. 내용 :
IFuel economy improvement and emission reduction are timeless key words in the advanced propulsion system research. To achieve these objectives, additional devices have been introduced, yet, the additional advices cause much higher system complexity. Classical approaches are not appropriate to maximize the entire hardware potential of the interconnected system. Thus, system-level optimization and control design become critical for obtaining the ultimate system performance. This presentation will explore multidisciplinary approaches for the future advanced powertrain and electrified vehicles.

The first part of the presentation covers simulation-based optimal calibration and transient control of advanced internal combustion engines. The prerequisite to deal with the increased complexity is the availability of accurate predictive models with high computational efficiency. The models are constructed through modeling cascade, virtual sensing, and control oriented modeling. The models are used for optimal calibration and model-based control design of advanced engines, which are presented as case studies of the multidisciplinary approaches. The second part covers topics of vehicle electrification and energy storage system including both vehicle-level and component-level approaches: specifically supervisory control design; Lithium-ion battery electrochemistry modeling; and their applications for the battery management strategy development. Finally, this presentation briefly shows new approaches for the analysis of the impact of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on the grid: driving cycle analysis and synthesis; stochastic modeling of daily driving schedules; and response surface modeling approach for the reduction of the computational effort while assessing the large scale PHEV impact on the grid.

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김호영 교수 (