Seminar and Event

[WCU]Georgia Tech and ASME's Roles in International Mechanical and Multidisciplinary Engineering Edu

Seminar Date 2011-09-27
제목: Georgia Tech and ASME's Roles in International Mechanical and
Multidisciplinary Engineering Education
- Part I: The Woodruff School in Review
- Part II: ASME Center for Education Global Initiatives

2. 연사: Dr. William J. Wepfer
(Eugene C. Gwaltney Jr. School Chair and Professor in the George W.
Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech.)

3. 일시: 10월 4일 (화) 오전 11시~

4. 장소: 301동 1512-2호 세미나실

5. 내용요약:
This talk will provide an overview of the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech and will present the School's academic, research, and international outreach programs.  The second part of the talk will provide an overview of ASME's Center for Education in the context of ASME strategic objectives of globalization, workforce development, and energy.  The Center provides a focus for US ME Department Heads, is the focal point of ASME's ABET accreditation activities, and was recently assigned leadership for ASME's Pre-College activities.

6. 약력:
Dr. William J. Wepfer is the Eugene C. Gwaltney Jr. School Chair and Professor in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech. Dr. Wepfer’s research interests are in thermal systems, heat transfer, and thermodynamics, with particular emphasis on energy systems. Dr. Wepfer is a Fellow of ASME and ASHRAE.  He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET and is the Vice-President for Education for ASME. He has served departmental advisory boards at Pennsylvania State University, Johns Hopkins University, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Marquette University.

※ 문의: 기계항공공학부 조맹효 교수 (880-1693)