Seminar and Event

[세미나] Y. Sungtaek Ju 교수 초청 세미나

Seminar Date 2011-07-20
아래와 같이 세미나가 진행될 예정이오니 학생들의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

제 목 : Thermal Ground Planes Incorporating Bio-Inspired Multiscale Wicks for
High Heat Flux Devices
2. 연 사 : Professor Y. Sungtaek Ju
    Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering , UCLA

3. 일 시 : 2011년 7월 25일(월) 16:00

4. 장 소 : 301동 1512호-2호

5. 내 용: The thermal management of high heat flux devices is a critical issue facing the semiconductor industry. Substrate-level heat fluxes in microprocessors and power electronics already exceed 100 W/cm2. The present talk will provide an overview of the research and development activities at UCLA on the high performance planar vapor chambers that incorporate multiscale wicks. These advanced wicks consist of thin liquid spreading layers to achieve high effective heat transfer coefficients and multiple arteries or bi-porous structures for efficient liquid delivery and vapor escape to achieve high critical heat fluxes. We will focus on fundamental advances in the design and characterization of thin liquid spreading layers and liquid delivery structures as well as the manufacturing and testing of prototypes incorporating these advanced wicks.

6. 약 력 : Professor Ju is currently an Associate Professor at Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at UCLA. He received his P.D. from Stanford University in 1999 and was a research staff member at IBM before joining the UCLA faculty in 2003. His research projects include characterization and engineering of micro- and nanoscale devices and structures for thermal management and energy harvesting, development of MEMS devices for biomedical and photonic applications; and novel processing techniques and materials for nano-device fabrication.

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 이준식 교수 (☏880-7123)