Seminar and Event
[기계전공 대학원세미나]심준형교수(고려대학교)
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : ALD 기술과 에너지 시스템 (ALD for Energy Systems)
2. 연 사 : 심준형 교수(고려대학교)
3. 일 시 : 2011년 5월 27일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
1996.03 ~ 2002.08 학사, 서울대학교 기계항공공학부
2002.09 ~ 2003.12 석사, Stanford University ME
2004.01 ~ 2008.12 박사, Stanford University ME
2009.01 ~ 2009.11 Lecturer (Non-tenure-track Faculty), Stanford University ME
2009.12 ~ 2010.02 Researcher, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
2010.03 ~ 현재 조교수 (Tenure-track Faculty), 고려대학교 기계공학부
6. 내용 :
The atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique has become a leading process used to achieve quality films that yield a high degree of thickness control and conformality in the most demanding nanostructures. Although ALD has been popular mostly in semiconductor industries and optics, there has been a recent attempt to use ALD for fabrication of energy devices, including fuel cells, batteries, catalysts, and solar cells. The Renewable Energy System Laboratory at Korea University (RES Lab @ KU) has a current focus on application of ALD for the following areas : 1) fabrication of nano-scale oxides for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells (LT-SOFCs), 2) synthesis of economical nano-cluster catalysts, and 3) engineered membrane-electrode assemblies for high capacity batteries. For this, we have developed new-concept ALD systems that are capable to evaporate liquid or solid chemicals effectively and to deposit high-quality oxides and metals at elevated temperatures. At this seminar, I will discuss recent achievements and future plans of our group.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 윤병동 교수 (☏ 880-1919)
2. 연 사 : 심준형 교수(고려대학교)
3. 일 시 : 2011년 5월 27일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
1996.03 ~ 2002.08 학사, 서울대학교 기계항공공학부
2002.09 ~ 2003.12 석사, Stanford University ME
2004.01 ~ 2008.12 박사, Stanford University ME
2009.01 ~ 2009.11 Lecturer (Non-tenure-track Faculty), Stanford University ME
2009.12 ~ 2010.02 Researcher, National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)
2010.03 ~ 현재 조교수 (Tenure-track Faculty), 고려대학교 기계공학부
6. 내용 :
The atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique has become a leading process used to achieve quality films that yield a high degree of thickness control and conformality in the most demanding nanostructures. Although ALD has been popular mostly in semiconductor industries and optics, there has been a recent attempt to use ALD for fabrication of energy devices, including fuel cells, batteries, catalysts, and solar cells. The Renewable Energy System Laboratory at Korea University (RES Lab @ KU) has a current focus on application of ALD for the following areas : 1) fabrication of nano-scale oxides for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells (LT-SOFCs), 2) synthesis of economical nano-cluster catalysts, and 3) engineered membrane-electrode assemblies for high capacity batteries. For this, we have developed new-concept ALD systems that are capable to evaporate liquid or solid chemicals effectively and to deposit high-quality oxides and metals at elevated temperatures. At this seminar, I will discuss recent achievements and future plans of our group.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 윤병동 교수 (☏ 880-1919)