Department News

[기계] Energy Harvesting, Wireless Sensor Networks and Smart Energy Management

Seminar Date 2010-11-25
1. 제 목 : Energy Harvesting, Wireless Sensor Networks and Smart Energy Management

2. 연 사 : Dr. Shad Roundy, Chief Technical Officer, EcoHarvester, Inc.

3. 일 시 : 2010년 11월 25일 (목요일) 오후 3시 30분 ~ 4시 45분

4. 장 소 : 301동 305호

5. 내 용 :
The increasing prevalence of portable and wireless electronics over the last couple of decades has driven many research and development efforts aimed at harvesting small amounts of energy as an alternative to batteries. The more recent emergence of wireless sensors and wireless sensor networks has provided an even greater incentive. While portable electronics, and many wireless sensors, can rely on regularly recharged batteries, many wireless sensor applications cannot. These applications are being enabled by energy harvesting. University based research on energy harvesting as a battery replacement for wireless sensors started gaining momentum about a decade ago. Since then many hundreds of papers have been published and dozens of research projects have been undertaken. The field is now at the stage of commercialization with many start-up companies boasting energy harvesting as one of their key strategic areas. This paper provides a broad overview of the many energy harvesting technologies being pursued and commercialized. Vibration or kinetic energy based harvesting has garnered as much interest both in terms of research and commercial investment dollars as any technology with the exception of photovoltaics. Specific detail is given here to kinetic energy based harvesting. Advanced materials are pushing the state of the art forward. However, in many cases proper design techniques can compensate for lower performing materials. The tradeoff between advanced materials, device size, and cost are explored and quantified. Considering the massive scale of global energy consumption, the energy saved by replacing batteries in wireless sensors with energy harvesters is not very significant. However, the reduction in energy usage that can be accomplished by adding sensing and intelligence to our living, working, and production environments is highly significant. Energy harvesting, as an enabler for environmental sensing and intelligence, will continue to facilitate a sustainable future.

6. 연사약력 :
Dr. Shad Roundy is recognized worldwide as an early pioneer in the field of energy harvesting. His PhD research at UC Berkeley led to the publication of one of the most referenced books on the subject. In addition to his book he has published many journal articles and book chapters on energy harvesting and wireless sensor networks. In 2004 he was named by MIT’s Technology Review magazine as one of the world’s top 100 young innovators (TR 100). Following his PhD, he established an energy harvesting and wireless sensors research program while on the faculty at the Australian National University. He left academia to join a startup and participate in the commercialization of energy harvesting technologies. At LV Sensors he led the effort to develop an energy harvester for tire pressure monitoring systems. He is currently Chief Technical Officer for EcoHarvester Inc., which develops motion based energy harvesting products for wireless sensors.

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 안 성 훈 교수 (☏ 880-7110)