Seminar and Event
[기계전공대학원세미나] 이원구 교수(경희대 기계공학과)
Seminar Date
1. 제 목 : Enabling Technology Platforms for Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Regenerative Medicine
2. 연 사 : 이원구 교수 (경희대학교 기계공학과)
3. 일 시 : 2010년 5월 7일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
<Education and Training>
2009.05 - 2010.02 Postdoc (Entrusted), Wyss Institute at Harvard University, USA
2007.10 - 2010.02 Postdoc, Harvard-MIT HST, Harvard Medical School, USA
2003.03 - 2007.08 PhD, Aerospace & Mechanical Eng., Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea
1998.09 - 2000.08 MS, Precision Mechanical Eng., Pusan National Univ., Pusan, Korea
1992.03 - 1996.02 BS, Control & Mechanical Eng., Pusan National Univ., Pusan, Korea
<Work Experiences>
2010.03 - Present Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
2010.01 - Present Technical Director, Bluepin Co., Korea
2004.07 - 2005.06 Researcher (Entrusted), Korea Bio-IT Foundry Center, Seoul, Korea
2002.12 - 2007.08 Researcher, Nanoentek Co. (former Digital Bio Technology), Seoul, Korea
2000.10 - 2002.11 Full-Time Researcher, Research Institute of Mechanical Technology, Korea
1996.02 - 1998.06 Intelligent Operation Officer (ROTC #34), Logistics Command, Korea
<Journal Activities>
2010.03 - Present Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
2008.12 - Present Editorial Board, Microsystem Technology, Springer
Dr. W. G. Lee has been acting as referee of 15 SCI journals, such as Lab on a Chip and Biosensors and Bioelectronics, and serving as technical reviewer committee for grants and conferences. For more details please visit his research website:
6. 내용요약 :
The need for improvement of global health and future medicine is emerging in several biomedical engineering researches such as diagnostics, therapeutics, and healthcare. Diagnostics can provide earlier detection of diseases for technologies and strategies of disease treatment and prevention [1]. Therapeutics is strongly related to effective delivery of targeted drugs and genes, allowing gene and cell therapies for clinical applications [2]. The improvement and investment of healthcare plays a critical role in making high qualities of human life, enabling future regenerative medicines such as tissue and organ regenerations [3]. In this seminar, Dr. Lee will present his PhD and Postdoc studies on development of enabling technology platforms for diagnostics, therapeutics, and regenerative medicine. Dr. Lee will specify key examples of the latest achievements such as optofluidic and microfluidic platform applications for cell-based diagnostics and therapeutics. Dr. Lee will also discuss his recent progresses in microscale tissue and stem cell engineering for regenerative medicine. It is anticipated that this seminar can help researchers to conceive a new idea of future platform technologies for practical applications in the field.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 방현우 교수 (☏ 880-1722)
2. 연 사 : 이원구 교수 (경희대학교 기계공학과)
3. 일 시 : 2010년 5월 7일 (금) 16:30-17:30
4. 장 소 : 301동 105호
5. 연사약력 :
<Education and Training>
2009.05 - 2010.02 Postdoc (Entrusted), Wyss Institute at Harvard University, USA
2007.10 - 2010.02 Postdoc, Harvard-MIT HST, Harvard Medical School, USA
2003.03 - 2007.08 PhD, Aerospace & Mechanical Eng., Seoul National Univ., Seoul, Korea
1998.09 - 2000.08 MS, Precision Mechanical Eng., Pusan National Univ., Pusan, Korea
1992.03 - 1996.02 BS, Control & Mechanical Eng., Pusan National Univ., Pusan, Korea
<Work Experiences>
2010.03 - Present Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Korea
2010.01 - Present Technical Director, Bluepin Co., Korea
2004.07 - 2005.06 Researcher (Entrusted), Korea Bio-IT Foundry Center, Seoul, Korea
2002.12 - 2007.08 Researcher, Nanoentek Co. (former Digital Bio Technology), Seoul, Korea
2000.10 - 2002.11 Full-Time Researcher, Research Institute of Mechanical Technology, Korea
1996.02 - 1998.06 Intelligent Operation Officer (ROTC #34), Logistics Command, Korea
<Journal Activities>
2010.03 - Present Associate Editor, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
2008.12 - Present Editorial Board, Microsystem Technology, Springer
Dr. W. G. Lee has been acting as referee of 15 SCI journals, such as Lab on a Chip and Biosensors and Bioelectronics, and serving as technical reviewer committee for grants and conferences. For more details please visit his research website:
6. 내용요약 :
The need for improvement of global health and future medicine is emerging in several biomedical engineering researches such as diagnostics, therapeutics, and healthcare. Diagnostics can provide earlier detection of diseases for technologies and strategies of disease treatment and prevention [1]. Therapeutics is strongly related to effective delivery of targeted drugs and genes, allowing gene and cell therapies for clinical applications [2]. The improvement and investment of healthcare plays a critical role in making high qualities of human life, enabling future regenerative medicines such as tissue and organ regenerations [3]. In this seminar, Dr. Lee will present his PhD and Postdoc studies on development of enabling technology platforms for diagnostics, therapeutics, and regenerative medicine. Dr. Lee will specify key examples of the latest achievements such as optofluidic and microfluidic platform applications for cell-based diagnostics and therapeutics. Dr. Lee will also discuss his recent progresses in microscale tissue and stem cell engineering for regenerative medicine. It is anticipated that this seminar can help researchers to conceive a new idea of future platform technologies for practical applications in the field.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 방현우 교수 (☏ 880-1722)