Seminar and Event

[항공] Recent Advances on Comprehensive Rotorcraft Analysis

Seminar Date 2007-10-18
1. 제 목 : Recent Advances on Comprehensive Rotorcraft Analysis

2. 연 사 : Dr. Wayland Chan (Senior Aeroelastic Specialist, QinetiQ Ltd, Farnborough, UK)

3. 일 시 : 2007년 10월 18일 (목요일) 오전 10:30 - 11:30

4. 장 소 : 서울대 신공학관 (301동) 117호 세미나실

5. 내 용 :
The ability to predict rotor loads accurately is of significant importance to the helicopter designers to enable an optimal design to be reached. This seminar will discuss the advances of comprehensive rotorcraft analyses with particular emphasis on the development of the Coupled Rotor-Fuselage Model (CRFM) jointly by Westland Helicopters and QinetiQ (formerly the Royal Aircraft Establishment) of UK. The objective is to provide a practical helicopter design tool for various applications. CRFM is capable of analysing of helicopter rotor loads in steady forward as well as manoeuvre flights. It consists of the primary modules of representing the rotor and fuselage dynamics and aerodynamics, with high sophistication of aerofoil dynamic stall and wake models. It also has a pilot in the loop to allow virtually any kind of manoeuvres to be simulated. The methodologies adopted will be described in this seminar and an example application will be presented. CRFM represents a true timewise simulation of rotorcraft behaviour in flights and its capability is believed to be unique. Its potential application is vast and it allows all aspects of helicopter aeromechanics, vibration characteristics and handling qualities to be assessed within one programme. Further developments were planned to apply CRFM to more aggressive manoeuvres to enable it to be used as a practical tool for rotor limit loads certification.

6. 약 력 :
Member of the Dynamics Committee of American Helicopter Society, USA
Member of the Rotorcraft Committee of the Royal Aeronautical Society, UK
2005.4 - Present Aeroelastic Specialist, QinetiQ, Farnborough UK
1982.7 - 2005.3 Westland Helicopters Ltd, Yeovil UK
Senior Lead Engineer (Rotor Design & Technology)
Principal Engineer (Rotor Design & Methods)
Principal Engineer (Rotor Aeroelastics)
Senior Engineer (Rotor Aerodynamics)
Vibration Test Engineer
Rotor Dynamicist, Stress Engineer
1987.5 - 1996.11 PhD(part-time), the City University, London UK (S/visor: Prof G T S Done)
1981.7 - 1982.6 Assistant HVAC Engineer, GEC (Hongkong) Ltd
1980.7 - 1981.5 Stress Engineer, SAC Engineering Consultants, Bristol, UK
1977.10 - 1980.6 BSc. (Hon) Aeronautical Engineering, Bristol University, UK

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 신 상 준 교수 (☏ 880-1642)