Department News

Supermarket Refrigeration Systems : Challenges and Opportunities

Seminar Date 2006-11-10
1. 제 목 : Supermarket Refrigeration Systems : Challenges and Opportunities

2. 연 사 : Pradeep Bansal, Ph.D.
(Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Auckland, New Zealand)

3. 일 시 : 2006년 11월 10일 (금) 11:00 - 12:00

4. 장 소 : 301동 1512호

5. 내 용 :

Supermarket refrigeration systems are useful tools to the modern world in
preserving food quality and prolonging its life. However, supermarkets consume
significant amount of energy and improved energy efficiency of these systems is
crucial for reasons of cost effectiveness and reduced impact on the environment.
Of the total energy consumption in supermarket refrigeration systems, refrigerated
display cases and the air-conditioning system consume respectively 34% and 17% and
the rest of energy use (around 49%) attributes to water heating and lighting of
the establishment. The seminar will discuss the emerging energy efficient
technologies such as secondary loop and cascade refrigeration systems, their
global acceptance, the in-field performance data from some supermarkets, and the
development of simulation models leading to optimised futuristic designs. The
domain of the energy efficiency research at the University of Auckland will also
be discussed with specific emphasis on the changing University education system
and life in New Zealand.    

6. 연사약력 :

Dr Pradeep Bansal is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Auckland (New Zealand). He teaches in thermal engineering and leads a
research group of about 15 academic members at Auckland on “energy efficiency”
related to refrigeration and air-conditioning. He was recently awarded with the
Distinguished Service Award from ASHRAE in 2006.

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김민수 교수(☏ 880-8362)