Department News

에너지공학 특강 해외석학 세미나 (Prof. Fujimoto Dikahiro)

Seminar Date 2005-04-29
1. 제 목 : 에너지공학 특강 해외석학 세미나

2. 연 사 : Prof. Fujimoto Dikahiro (동경대 경제학과 교수)

3. 일 시 : 2005년 4월 29일 (금) 09:30-11:30

4. 장 소 : 301동 102호

5. 내 용 : Japan economy is not getting out of a depression after bubble economy collapse the early 1990s. Crisis in financial sectors: consolidation of banks still continues. It shows that bad performance in stock price and profitability (e.g., electronics) Structural reform of regulated (non-competitive) sectors is slow. But Manufacturing performance of competitive sectors (e.g. auto) and trade surplus in manufacturing sectors is still high. Oversimplification
is misleading, and overreaction is counterproductive.

To avoid this vicious cycle, Lecturer approaches to this problem, ‘Framework: Design Information View’ 5sectors and analyzes about this problem.

1. Performance Measurement - A Multi-Layer Approach.
2. Organizational Capability - A Design Information View
3. Product-Process Architecture.
4. Capabillity-Architecture Fit - Explaining Competitiveness
5. Architectural Positioning - Explaining Profitability

Through this process Lecture says that Japan industrial policy is tended to go to in perfect full-set development this means protection industrial policy. This is unreal to keep more.

In addition lecture emphasize that grope solution as following, Industrial policy makers need to select sectors with good capability- architecture fit, identify best-practice firms in such sector, establish alignment between the industrial policy and the firms’ best-practice, and stimulate capability-building competition(not only price competition).

That is shift to “front-runner-oriented industrial policy”

6. 약 력 :
1979년 : 동경대 경제학부 졸업, 미쓰비시 종합연구소 입사
1989년 : 하버드 대학 비즈니스 스쿨 박사 학위 취득
1996년 : 하버드 대학 비즈니스 스쿨 객원 교수
1998년 : 동경대 경제학부 교수
2004년 : 동경대학 제조 경영연구 센터장

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 이충구 초빙교수 ☏880-1657 (에너지공학 특강 TA 이문환)