Department News

Physics Based Conceptual Design Methods for Advanced Concepts

Seminar Date 2005-01-15
1. 제 목 : Physics Based Conceptual Design Methods for Advanced Concepts

2. 연 사 : Dimitri N. Mavris, Ph.D

3. 일 시 : 2005년 1월 20일 (목) 10:00 - 11:00

4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관(301동) 117호

5. 내 용 :

The presentation covers application of methods for the estimating the impact of advanced technology on vehicle and/or propulsion systems. This method is unique in that it operates on the fringes of disciplines, pursuing the difficult task of analyzing a set of multidisciplinary technologies which are often not mature enough for even the technology developers to evaluate accurately in a laboratory, let alone in an integrated vehicle. The presentation also addresses probabilistic techniques and advanced decision-making tools to bound the space of possible solutions afforded by new technologies or uncertainty in the multidisciplinary design process. These techniques enable a designer to quickly evaluate the benefits and drawbacks in applying technology concepts to a vehicle in the absence of a rigorous analytical model. This is accomplished through a parametric interactive design approach, which is also covered in this presentation. This capability and approach has been found to be truly innovative in terms of both the technical literature and the current practice. As unique integrated system analysis facilities, the Collaborative Visualization Environment (CoVE) and the Collaborative Design Environment (CoDE) will be presented, which are design environments centered on a high-resolution display wall of approximately 9.4 Mpixels. The presentation also gives an example application to further clarify the utility of the methods developed under Georgia Tech’s Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory.

6. 약 력

Associate Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, GIT, (2001-Present)

Boeing Chair in Advanced Aerospace Systems Analysis, GIT, (2000-Present)

Director, Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory, School of Aerospace Engineering, GIT(1998 to Present)

Assistant Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, GIT(1996 to 2001)

Visiting Professor, School of Aerospace Engineering, GIT(1995 to 1996)

B.S., 1984, Georgia Institute of Technology, Aerospace Engineering

M.S., 1985, Georgia Institute of Technology, Aerospace Engineering

Ph.D., 1988, Georgia Institute of Technology, Aerospace Engineering

7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 이동호 교수 (☏ 880-1900)