Department News

Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques for micro- and nanolevel characterization s

Seminar Date 2002-05-08
1. 제목 : Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques for micro- and

nanolevel characterization surfaces in contact mechanics

and tribology

2. 연사 : Prof. Sergei A. Chizhik

(Gomel State University and Belarus State University)

3. 일시 : 2002년 5월 9일 (목) 13:00 - 14:30

4. 장소 : 서울대학교 신공학과(301동) 303호

5. 내용 : The presentation will discuss the mechanical problems of contact and friction in micromechanical systems. Theory and practical aspects of realization of SPM techniques for solving tasks in micro- and nanomechanics. There will be presented original 1) algorithms and method of building, interpretation and calibration of contrast images (lateral force, phase shift imaging) for characterization of mechanical heterogeneity of surfaces in nanolevel; 2)techniques for static and dynamic force spectroscopy for studying elastic properties of materials in thin surface layers (thickness 10-100 nm); 3)techniques for estimation of nanowear of hard materials; 4)methods of modeling a precision contact and microcontact of two surfaces on the basis of SPM data. New possibilities in creation of SPM micro mechanics tomography under surface layers are discussed.

6. 문의 : 기계항공공학부 박희재 교수 (Tel. 880-7467)