Seminar and Event

Measurement and Enhancement of Acoustical Properties

Seminar Date 2001-08-10
1. 제목 : Measurement and Enhancement of Acoustical Properties

of Porous Materials

2. 연사 : Dr. J. S. Bolton

Professor, Ray W. Herrick Laboratories, Purdue University

3. 일시 : 2001년 8월 10일 (금요일) 오후 3:00 (1시간)

4. 장소 : 301동 1512호 (15층 세미나실)

5. 내용 :

1. Transfer Matrix Approach for Estimating the Fundamental Acoustical Properties (Characteristic Impedance, and Wave number) of Porous Materials

2. Effect of Circumferential Edge-Constraint

3. Vibrational Modes of Edge-Constrained Fibrous Layers

4. Enhancement of the Barrier Performance of Porous Materials at Low Frequencies by the Use of Internal Constraints

5. Realistic Noise Control Applications

6. Future Work

6. 연사 약력 :

B.S. University of Toronto

M.S. Southampton University

Ph.D. Southampton University

Professor Purdue University

7. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 강연준 교수 (880-1691)