Department News
Design and Fabrication of a Meso-Scale Piezoelectric Actuator
Seminar Date
제목 : Design and Fabrication of a Meso-Scale Piezoelectric Actuator
일시 : 2000년 8월 14일 (월) 10:30-11:30
장소 : 301동 1512호
연사 : H. Thomas Hahn,
Hughes Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dept.
48-121 Engineering IV, UCLA
IPA/Program Manager, AFOSR/NA
Piezoelectric actuators can offer many advantages over the conventional ones because of their compactness and simplicity. However, they have yet to deliver a high force and a large distance. These requirements have been met in a meso-scale piezoelectric actuator we have developed recently. This actuator can deliver a 445-N force over a 0.3-mm distance at a speed of 10 mm/s. These are the requirements for an actuator if noise and vibration in a helicopter are to be reduced by controlling a flap attached to each blade. The large distance is produced by an inchworm type of motion. The high force results from the use of micro-scale ridges fabricated by the MEMS technology. The high speed is made possible because of the high frequency response of the piezoelectic ceramics used. Details leading to the final testing of this meso-scale piezoelectric actuator will be discussed in the talk.
연락처 : 기계항공공학부 이우일 교수 (전화 880-7116)
일시 : 2000년 8월 14일 (월) 10:30-11:30
장소 : 301동 1512호
연사 : H. Thomas Hahn,
Hughes Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dept.
48-121 Engineering IV, UCLA
IPA/Program Manager, AFOSR/NA
Piezoelectric actuators can offer many advantages over the conventional ones because of their compactness and simplicity. However, they have yet to deliver a high force and a large distance. These requirements have been met in a meso-scale piezoelectric actuator we have developed recently. This actuator can deliver a 445-N force over a 0.3-mm distance at a speed of 10 mm/s. These are the requirements for an actuator if noise and vibration in a helicopter are to be reduced by controlling a flap attached to each blade. The large distance is produced by an inchworm type of motion. The high force results from the use of micro-scale ridges fabricated by the MEMS technology. The high speed is made possible because of the high frequency response of the piezoelectic ceramics used. Details leading to the final testing of this meso-scale piezoelectric actuator will be discussed in the talk.
연락처 : 기계항공공학부 이우일 교수 (전화 880-7116)