Seminar and Event

Sensing Technologies for Spacecraft Formation Flying

Seminar Date 2000-10-18
1.제목: Sensing Technologies for Spacecraft Formation Flying

2.연사: Chan-Woo Park (Ph.D candidate, Stanford University)

3.일시: 2000년 10월 17일 (화요일) 오후 4시 30분

4.장소: 301동 1409-1호


Formation flying spacecraft in the low earth orbit (LEO) can use carrier-differential GPS sensors and GPS-like transceivers to determine their relative position and velocity. Although absolute position at the centimeter level is generally not possible in real-time, relative position and velocity between vehicles within the formation can be obtained at these levels using carrier phase differential GPS (CDGPS). Formation flying also requires a sophisticated inter-spacecraft communications system, and these could also be used as local ranging systems.

By providing additional inter-spacecraft range and Doppler measurements to the navigation solution, these onboard transmitters would facilitate the use of CDGPS for orbits (or vehicle motions) in which adequate visibility/geometry to the NAVSTAR constellation is not available. Furthermore, these RF ranging devices could be used in determining the carrier phase cycle ambiguity.

Finally, terrestrial testbed is introduced that has been developed to investigate relative navigation and formation flying with combined NAVSTAR and onboard transmitters. This testbed currently consists of three radio-controlled trucks. Each vehicle is equipped with an onboard attitude capable GPS receiver, as well as a GPS-like transmitter (currently a pseudolite).

6. 연사 약력 :

1995 Seoul National University, Fiber and Polymer Science, B.S.

1997 Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering, M.S.

2000 Ph.D candidate, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University

Research Affiliates, Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering, MIT

7. 연락처 : 기계항공공학부 기창돈 교수 (전화 : 880-1912)