Department News
Approach of VOXELCON with a New Finite Element Formulation for Design Optimizati
Seminar Date
1. 제목 : Approach of VOXELCON with a New Finite Element Formulation
for Design Optimization
2. 연사 : Prof. Noboru Kikuchi
University of Michigan
3. 일시 : 2000년 10월 19일 (목요일) 오후 2:00
4. 장소 : 301동 15층 세미나실 (1512호)
5. 내용 : Together with the idea of reverse engineering, we shall introduce a voxel approach to make efficient FE analysis. To do this we shall develop a stress assumed finite element after quick review
of finite element design technology. Using this voxel approach we shall consider design optimization of material microstructures for texture design.
6. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 김윤영 교수 (880-7154)
for Design Optimization
2. 연사 : Prof. Noboru Kikuchi
University of Michigan
3. 일시 : 2000년 10월 19일 (목요일) 오후 2:00
4. 장소 : 301동 15층 세미나실 (1512호)
5. 내용 : Together with the idea of reverse engineering, we shall introduce a voxel approach to make efficient FE analysis. To do this we shall develop a stress assumed finite element after quick review
of finite element design technology. Using this voxel approach we shall consider design optimization of material microstructures for texture design.
6. 문의처 : 기계항공공학부 김윤영 교수 (880-7154)