Electives Courses

Solid Mechanics M2794.001000
This course will examine the basic mechanics of rigid and deformable bodies in the equilibrium state. Topics to be discussed include free-body diagram, equilibrium conditions, stress and strain, shear force and bending moment applied to the interior of solids.
Thermodynamics M2794.001100
The aim of this course is to understand various fundamental laws of thermodynamics and to develop the ability to apply them to various thermal systems. Course topics include energy, heat and work, enthalpy, entropy, laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties, analysis of cycle performance and various engineering cycles.
This course deals with the motion analysis of point masses and rigid bodies. We will study about kinematics, with a focus on the geometrical relation between displacement, velocity and acceleration of a body and also examine the relation between forces and mass and the motion of a body.
Fluid Mechanics M2794.001300
This course introduces fluid mechanics and their practical applications to several flow systems. Course topics include the characteristics of fluid, hydrostatics, mass and momentum conservation laws, dimensional analysis and internal flows.
Mechanics and Design M2794.001400
Properties of stresses and strains in the three dimensional space are investigated. Basic theory of structural stability will be introduced. Various analysis methods based on energy principle will be provided. Failure criteria will be discussed in three dimensional space and the detailed aspect of beam bending and torsion will be touched.
Mechanical Product Design M2794.001700
In this class, students will study how to creatively design and develop a mechanical platforms which consists of fundamental elements of the product. The creative product design have to be performed based on the systematic engineering design methodology. Therefore, students will learn the design methodology for realization and embodiment of conceptual designs. The class will also discuss how to apply theories on element design to practice while verifying if required functions are satisfied.
Materials and Manufacturing Processes M2794.001800
The objective of this class is to understand fundamental mechanisms of manufacturing processes covering traditional processes such as casting, cutting, grinding, forging, and sheet forming as well as non-traditional processes such as energy processes and electrochemical processes. The student will acquire principle knowledge on structures and characteristics of various materials including metal, polymer, ceramic, and composites used in these manufacturing processes.
Mechanical Vibrations M2794.001900
Based on statics and dynamics, this course deals with the analysis of position, velocity, acceleration and forces related to the motion of a mechanism that consists of solid members We will analyze the motion and forces of linkage mechanisms, gears, cams and followers, screws, etc.
Applied Fluid Mechanics M2794.002000
In this course we will discuss the following topics: the properties of fluid; continuity equation; streamlines and stream function; Euler equation; hydrostatics; Navier-Stokes equation; Bernoulli equation; engineering applications of the Bernoulli equation; momentum theorem; similitude; the elements of potential flow; lift; analysis of flow in pipes; Reynolds stresses in turbulent flow; boundary layer theory-exact solution and approximate solution; laminar boundary layer; turbulent boundary layer.
System Control with Smart Car Application M3228.002200
This course will examine the various theories related to the analysis and design of continuous-time control systems. Topics in this course include the following: time domain and frequency domain analysis of system response; PID Controls; robust Control-Design considerations; the design and analysis of Control Systems in State Space. In particular, the control system of Smart Car will be introduced. The applications of control theories to vehicle dynamics stability control and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) will be introduced. Vehicle control technology incorporating human factors and ride quality will be also introduced.
Applied Thermodynamics M2794.002200
In this course we will discuss the following topics: one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction; two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction; unsteady-state heat conduction; the principles of convection; the empirical and practical relations of forced-convection heat transfer; natural convection; radiation heat transfer; condensation and boiling heat transfer; heat exchanges.
Automotive Propulsion System M3228.001100
This course introduces various automotive propulsion systems to meet more stringent emissions regulations of vehicles. This course covers the basic principles, major parameters for thermal efficiency and performance, requirements of internal combustion engines, system architecture and merits of hybrid systems which are consisted of engine and motors. And it also covers battery system for electric vehicles and PEM fuel cell stack and balance of plants to maintain optimal performance for automotive application. In this course, students will gain system analysis of automotive propulsion systems and learn new technologies to meet future environmental regulations of vehicles.
Heat Transfer M2794.002600
In this course we will discuss the following topics: one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction; two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction; unsteady-state heat conduction; the principles of convection; the empirical and practical relations of forced-convection heat transfer; natural convection; radiation heat transfer; condensation and boiling heat transfer; heat exchanges.
Introduction to Robotics M2794.002700
This course covers the fundamentals of robot mechanics, planning and control. Beginning with the mathematical representation of rigid-body motions, the course brings together screw theory, notions of state space and degrees of freedom, kinematic and dynamic analysis of rigid multibody systems, and independent joint control to investigate practical case studies involving representative industrial and service robots.
MEMS in Mechanical Engineering M2794.002900
This course will examine the fundamental mechanics of micro system, scale-down effect and transmission of force and torque in micro machines. We will discuss the design, production and applications of various micro mechanical devices used as mechanical transducers.
Computer Simulation and Machine Learning M3228.001500
In this course, we will study the basic concept and programming of numerical analysis methods for computer simulation widely used in the analysis of engineering problems. Students will learn machine learning algorithms for processing and analyzing computer simulation data, and computer simulation methods based machine learning such as physics-informed neural network together with conventional numerical analysis methods such as the finite difference method and the finite element method. They will perform programming and analysis by applying these methods to a problem required to understand the behavior of mechanical system including static and dynamic analysis of structures, flow analysis of fluids, heat transfer analysis, and analysis of electromagnetic fields.
Environmental Thermal Engineering M2794.003200
Based the basic principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer, notly refrigeration systems and air conditioning systems, but also solar power generation, hydrogen fuel cells, and integrated heat management of eco-friendly vehicles for carbon neutrality and CO2 reduction will be covered. By establishing basic concepts related to real life such as heating, cooling, humidification, cleaning, ventilation, air flow, etc., the goal is to acquire the ability to efficiently design and analysis various thermal utilization devices of new concepts. In addition, students will learn about the rational use of thermal energy and perform system optimization for effective use of renewable energy. In particular, by analyzing the different thermal requirements of eco-friendly vehicle components and designing an integrated thermal management system that can perform thermal management most efficiently, students will learn about thermal system optimization techniques under various boundary conditions.
Future Automotive Engineering M3228.002100
This course introduces various automotive propulsion systems to meet more stringent emissions regulations of vehicles. This course covers the basic principles, architecture of various propulsion systems, chassis platform between conventional and electric vehicles. Students will learn the basic power, torque requirement of vehicles and energy flow of driveline. Also it covers advanced driving assistant system and characteristics of autonomous vehicles. In this course, students will understand the effect of vehicles global environment and life cycle assessment of various propulsion systems.
Optimal Design of Energy Systems M2794.003400
This course will deal with the fundamental theories and applications of thermal energy systems. We will practice designing and analyzing energy systems based on our background knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Special emphases will be given on several design tools and optimization. We will also examine diverse examples of optimization.
Micro-nano Manufacturing M2794.013600
This course deals with the systematic approaches to micro-nano fabrication and we will examine the basic rules, instructions and fundamental principles by succeeding various examples. Various applications including information technology (IT) and bio technology (BT) require miniaturization of device size throughout micro- and nano-scale manufacturing technologies. This course surveys various techniques such as photolithography, material removal, thin-film deposition, and planarization process to fabricate micro- and nano-scale structures with an emphasis on their fundamental principles as well as a realistic microfabrication process design. Applications in microelectronics, energy devices will be also explored.
Optimal Design M2794.003600
All engineers dream of designing something new and better. Creative imagination is essential for achieving this goal. To find optimal designs that both perform efficiently and satisfy all the design and manufacturing constraints, though, we also need to acquire systematic design methods. The objective of this course is to introduce such design optimization methods. We will begin by examining design optimization formulation and various numerical optimization algorithms. Based on our study of various design optimization techniques, we will carry out design projects that are relatively simple but sophisticated enough to help us acquire engineering insight. Through this course we will learn to appreciate the effectiveness of the optimization method. A brief introduction to topology optimization and genetic algorithms will also be given at the end of the course.
Introduction to Sound System Engineering M2794.003700
This course covers fundamentals of single-degree-of-freedom system, vibrating string, vibration of membranes, the acoustic wave equation and its simple solutions, sound transmission, and sound radiation.
Flow and Design M2794.003800
Characteristics of centrifugal pumps. Head of centrifugal pumps. Performance of centrifugal pumps. Losses. Similarity laws. Design of lmpellers. Guide vanes. Volute casings. Axial thrust. Leakage. Cavitation. Water hammer. Surging. Performance and design of axial flow pumps. Introduction to hydraulic turbines. Pelton wheels. Francis. and propeller turbines. Regulating systems. Characteristics and selection of hydraulic turbines.
Biological Fluid Mechanics M3228.002000
This course introduces the fundamental fluid-mechanical principles of how various biological organisms interact with surrounding fluids for locomotion and how fluids internal to the organisms circulate to maintain life. To this end, the basics of fluid mechanics and elasticity are reviewed first. Then the following topics are treated. (1) Locomotion of microorganisms at small scales where inertia can be neglected; (2) locomotion of birds and fish at large scales where inertia dominates; (3) locomotion of semi-aquatic insects using surface tension; (4) blood properties and fluid mechanics of circulation; (5) Murray’s law; (6) Plant physiology with a focus fluid transport in xylem and phloem.
Micro-nano Mechanics M2794.004000
This course will examine the fundamental mechanics of micro-structure and micro-device and also cover the problems regarding the production and operation of micro system. Basic theory of the design, production and measurement of micro-nano system will be discussed and its applications will be introduced.
Combustion and Environmental Engineering M2794.004100
This course will deal with combustion of boilers and internal combustion engines and examine topics related to air pollution. The production mechanism of pollution materials and pollution reducing technology will be discussed.
Mechamical System Design Project 1 M2794.004200
This course is intended to enhance students’ ability to solve problems in the real engineering environment. This problem solving will be based on the students’ knowledge on mechanical engineering acquired through undergraduate studies. After consulting the instructor, each student chooses a topic which will be pursued for the semester. Various forms of teaching such as seminar, presentation, discussion and experiment will be utilized.
Mechanical System Design Project 2 M2794.004300
This course is intended to enhance students’ ability to solve problems in the real engineering environment. This problem solving will be based on the students’ knowledge on mechanical engineering acquired through undergraduate studies. After consulting the instructor, each student chooses a topic which will be pursued for the semester. Various forms of teaching such as seminar, presentation, discussion and experiment will be utilized.
Integrated Mechanical Design and Analysis M2794.004400
This course is intended to enhance students’ abilities for the integrated design or analysis of specific machine systems by comprising the basic courses which are taken through the undergraduate study in mechanical engineering field. Students are going to do problem identification, design and analysis of their creative subject with a guide from their instructors. Students are expected to learn the integrated ability in mechanical design and analysis through presentations, discussions and practices.
Management in Mechanical Engineering 1 M2794.004500
This course is intended to give lectures to learn knowledge, attitude and approach methods for the engineers who are interested in business management. Experts working in government service, research, academic institutes, and industries are invited their experience and knowledge in the management of industries related to mechanical engineering.
Management in Mechanical Engineering 2 M2794.004600
This course is for more advanced study than Management in Mechanical Engineering 1 with invited experts from specific fields.
Mechanics and Waves M2794.004800
Stress and deformation propagate in the form of mechanical waves when elastic bodies are subject to impacts or dynamic loads. In this case, a beam, the most simple structural element, exhibits considerably different behavior that cannot observed in its static response. For instance, structural responses can vary significantly depending on frequencies and often no wave propagation takes place at certain frequencies. In this course, we study the generation mechanism of wave phenomena such as refraction, reflection, and diffraction in elastic bodies and examine interesting phenomena occurring in beams under time-varying tensile, bending and torsional loads. Engineering applications and control of mechanical waves will be also discussed.
Mechanical Strengths and Behaviors of Solids M2794.012000
High performance, safety and durability must be ensured when designing mechanical systems. Understanding mechanical behaviors (stress, strain, and displacement) of solids is thus of great importance. This course aims at delivering the mechanical behaviors (stress and strain) and failure mechanisms caused by deformation and material failures. Two primary parts include material strength and mechanical behavior. The former attempts to describe elastic response, dislocation, fracture and fatigue, plasticity theory, strain hardening, and creep. On the other hand, the latter presents mechanical responses (stress and strain) subject to static and/or dynamic mechanical loadings.
Mechanobiology M3228.000500
Mechanobiology deals with physical force and energy acting in living systems. This course integrates mechanics, biology and engineering to explore how mechanical interactions play a key role in driving the functions of living systems. A series of molecular players that act as active machines as well as passive mechanical elements are introduced to understand an intimate interplay between mechanics and biology. We also cover a variety of biomedical devices and experimental techniques used to characterize living systems across multiple length scales.
Mechanical Engineering Lab. M2794.013200
In this course, students perform basic experiments related to mechanical engineering. Based the core subjects in mechanical engineering, fundamental properties and their measurement techniques are learnt and understood. A lecture is also accompanied to provide the understanding of the measurement techniques and background theories. Students fabricate and apply a sensor in realistic working environment and gather data through a data acquisition system. Data analysis is followed based the knowledge of core subjects, where the students learn the bridge and the gap between theory and practice.
Mechatronics M2794.013400
This course is to provide the basic techniques for mechatronics system including electronics circuit design, microprocessor application for mechanical engineers. The course begins with basic circuit design techniques such as DC circuit, resistors, capacitors, and RC circuits, filters, diode circuits, transistors, OP Amplifiers, etc. The micro processor system such as 8086/8088/80196 processor , structure, architecture, I/O interface are also taught. For the laboratory, boards and electronics components are distributed, and are expected to design and implement the Lab assigned designs with 80196. Basic circuit design, assembler programming, digital I/O, stepping motor applications are also demonstrated. and final term project is scheduled for contest.
Mechanical System Modeling and Control M2794.013500
This course aims to teach students fundamental concepts and core methodologies in: 1) mathematical modeling of important mechanical systems; 2) analysis of their dynamic behaviors in frequency, Laplace and state-space domains; and 3) design of their control and analysis of the controlled behavior.
Creative Engineering Design 400.018
In this course, students learn skills to design, fabricate and test electro-mechanical device through hands-on experience for engineering creativity. The class offers opportunity for freshmen to perform a practical and interesting engineering design project under restrictions of material, tools and time. The course consists of 2 hours of lecture and 2 hours of lab work per week. During first six weeks, students learn design principles, kinematics, and basic manufacturing process along with how to operate basic tooling machines. On 7th week, the main project is announced. The main project requests students to design and fabricate a mechanical device with provided materials and tools. Students demonstrate their mechanical devices 12th week and join the main project competition 13th week.
Machine Learning for Mechanical Engineering M3228.000800
This course consists of three parts. The first part of the class reviews the fundamental concepts from probability, linear algebra, optimization, and signal processing. The second part of the class introduces the main categories of machine learning, namely, classification, regression, and clustering. The last part of the class handles tutorial for smart manufacturing by covering sensing, robotics and 3D reconstruction. Using actual sensor data, students apply machine learning algorithms.
Thermodynamics M2794.001100
The aim of this course is to understand various fundamental laws of thermodynamics and to develop the ability to apply them to various thermal systems. Course topics include energy, heat and work, enthalpy, entropy, laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic properties, analysis of cycle performance and various engineering cycles.
Life Cycle Assessment for Mechanical Engineering M3228.000900
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a methodology for evaluating energy usage and environmental impact, by quantifying the inputs and outputs throughout the life cycle stages of a product, process, or service. LCA plays an important role in assessing the sustainability aspect of policies or strategies regarding climate change or ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance). This lecture will introduce the concept of LCA and relevant ISO standards, as well as various LCA methodology and data sources. Students will perform team project, where they select an item among mechanical engineering products or systems, conduct LCA, and perform presentation with peer review. Throughout this process, students will learn the quality of sustainability as a future engineer.
Hypersonic Vehicle Design M3228.001000
Students will learn about the basic theories essential for designing hypersonic vehicles and flight trajectory optimization methods utilizing design examples. A term project practicing conceptual hypersonic vehicle design will be given. Hypersonic vehicles should ideally be operational in a wide range of flight Mach number from 0 to 5 and above. Nevertheless, most hypersonic vehicle design methodologies suggest design optimization for a single cruise flight condition in practice since the aerodynamic performance of the vehicle is highly sensitive to the vehicle design particularly under hypersonic (Ma > 5) flight conditions. This severely limits the maneuverability and flight trajectory envelopes of hypersonic vehicles. Alternatively, variable-geometry inlets/forebody/nozzles and various combinations of multiple propulsion systems can make the flight mission flexible and efficient, although these are expensive options adding mass, complexity, and cost. There are numerous factors affecting the vehicle design strategy, which include purpose of the hypersonic flights and corresponding trajectory envelopes, payload, downrange, cost, etc. In any case, considering all possible flight conditions and in-flight situations is impossible for designing a vehicle, therefore, at least a rough flight trajectory envelope should be proposed and designed prior to sketching a vehicle and propulsion methods. Basic trajectory optimization and vehicle design procedures, practical design issues, and some design examples will be introduced in the class.
Hydrogen Production and Fuel Cell Application M3228.001200
The entire value chain (utilization, production, storage, transportation) of hydrogen energy will be discussed. The first half of the course will emphasize a primary hydrogen utilization system, fuel cell. The fuel cell providese of the most efficient means for converting the chemical energy stored in fuel to electrical energy. Students will study fundamentals, performance, material characterization, stack, and system design of fuel cells. Then the second half of the course will cover hydrogen production·storage·transportation technologies. Especially, diverse methods for clean hydrogen production will be thoroughly studied. After fundamental lectures, experiments hydrogen energy (e.g., fuel cell, water electrolysis, etc.) will be performed. In general, students will understand the essential roles of hydrogen energy in future energy and the environment.
Introduction to Mechanical System Design and Robot Programming M3228.001300
This lecture focuses learning the initial skillset for mechanical system design, covering both hardware and software aspects. Starting from CAD, the class covers basic programming, including python, C/C++, and Matlab. Most importantly, the course is not limited to learning programming language by completing the programming toward the hardware deployment.
Optical Experiments for Mechanical Engineering Students M3228.001400
Understanding optical techniques is of fundamental and practical importances in a wide range of applications including optical sensing and imaging, holography, and precision measurements. This course covers fundamental principles of optical waves, geometrical optics, and Fourier optics with an emphasis hands-on lab experiences. Topics include basic theory of electromagnetic waves, introduction to geometric optics and designing optical instruments (microscopes and telescopes), gaussian beam optics, optical interferometers and cavities. This course is intended to provide the concepts of electromagnetic waves, geometric optics, and Fourier Optics from Mechanical Engineering perspectives (intuitions, and back-of-envelope estimations), and to provide hands-on laser lab experience, and nurture students abilities to assess / interpret experimental results.
Analysis and Design of Lightweight Structures M3228.001900
Lightweight structures are widely used in engineering applications ranging from large structures (e.g., solar panels, space habitats, and disaster relief structures), sports/leisure equipment, to small biomedical devices. Topics in this course include truss structures, space frames, thin-walled membrane structures, and state-of-the-art architecture based origami design principles. Related knowledge in mathematics, physics, and mechanics will be taught, and useful software and fabrication skills will be also covered. Final project will be the design, analysis, and fabrication of lightweight structures, and the learning process and outcome will be shared with classmates in the format of short video clips. 
Thin Film Fluid Mechanics M3228.001800
The formation and control of thin liquid film required in many industries including the semiconductor process requires knowledge in various fields such as mechanical, electrical and electronics, materials, and chemical engineering; however, the hydrodynamic analysis and control are especially important for a series of processes that include forming a thin liquid film by coating a photosensitive liquid (photoresist) a wafer. In this course, the typical wafer processes are simplified into (i) high-viscosity liquid pipe flow (including electrokinetic phenomena), (ii) jet flow from the nozzle, (ii) impinging jetto a horizontal plane, and (iv) thin liquid film dynamics a rotating plate, and learn about the associated fluid mechanics theory and practical issue of each. In addition, the basic content the behavior of fine particles, which is an important issue in the semiconductor production process, is also learned.
Smart Manufacturing Lab. M3228.002500
Smart manufacturing is an important concept in implementing Industry 4.0. The goal of this course is for students to experience various equipment and manufacturing processes related to smart manufacturing. Through theory and experiments, students learn about the sensors, IoT, artificial intelligence, data processing, industrial robots, collaborative robots, laser markers, 3D printers, machining equipment, vision systems, and other technologies used in smart manufacturing. Additionally, students evaluate the processes of a simple demo factory composed of key technologies in smart manufacturing.
Modeling and Control of Biological SystemsM3228.002600
Living systems exhibit intricate and highly coordinated dynamics that rival, and often surpass, the temporal and spatial precision observed in modern mechanical-electrical systems. This course explores the fundamental principles of modeling and control theory as applied to these remarkable biological phenomena. Students will learn how to identify, analyze, and design control strategies for biological systems, integrating mathematical models, experimental data, and computational simulations. Topics covered include feedback control, system identification, stochastic modeling, and bioinstrumentation, providing students with the necessary knowledges and skills to effectively navigate the intricate dynamics of living systems using mechanical engineering principles.