Design and Manufacturing

(* Recommended courses for students in other major groups / ⁂ Multi-Group Courses)
Fundamentals of Multiscale Physical Devises 4461.526
This course is designed to introduce nanotechnology and processing to the mechanical engineering major student. This course will cover the 1) top-down & bottom-up synthesis of nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanobelts based on metal, metal oxide, semiconductors and organic materials, 2) various novel properties in optical, electrical, mechanical, chemical and magnetic aspects, and their characterization methods, and finally 3) applications in electronics, renewable energies, and bioengineering fields, and their fundamental physics.
Fundamentals of Multiscale Fabrication 4461.540
In this lecture, students will learn fundamentals of multiscale fabrication. In order to cover a broad range of length scales from nano to bulk, various methods are introduced with fabrication principles and topical issues . Fabrication methods will be classified into bottom-up (or self-assembly) and top-down approaches and some hybrid methods will also be introduced. After this lecture, students will understand strength and weakness of each technique and how to apply each method for specific applications.
Hands on Fabrication of MEMS And NEMS 4461.541
This coursework targets teaching multiscale fabrication technologies in cleanroom. Students will be exposed to various design and fabrication skills practically used in MEMS and nanotechnology. Detailed contents include multiscale design principle, photo-lithography, self assembly, sensor/actuator principles and fabrication methods.
Nano/Bio Fusion Systems 4461.543
This course is focused on the key elements of multiscale/multiphysics problems selected from fundamentals and applications of the area of multiscale/multiphysics. Detailed topics dealt with include basic concepts such as cell physiology, biochemistry, nano particles, bioMEMS, microfluidics. This course also emphasizes the definition of terms and understanding of principle in order to train students from many different major fields.
Dissertation Research 1 4461.803
Discussions with academic advisor, checking of research progress, and presentation of the current status of thesis progress are made for improved research content of the dissertation.
Dissertation Research 2 4461.804
Discussions with academic advisor, checking of research progress, and presentation of the current status of thesis progress are made for deeper research content of the dissertation.
Engineering Research Ethics and Writing Skills M1570.000300
This course deals with the ethics of conducting research and how to formulate a research problem and write a research article. The course will teach the theory and perform practical exercises. The topics will include the research ethics, establishing a research topic, and writing successful research article.
Actuation and Sensing Mechanisms for Robots M1598.000200
Actuation and sensing are two key functions in most robotic systems. This course overviews different types of actuation and sensing mechanisms used in actual robots. Specific topics may vary year-to-year including electromagnetic actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic actuators. polymer-based actuators, bio-inspired artificial muscles, force and tactile sensors, vision sensors, and soft sensors. The course will discuss the principles and the characteristics of the above technologies in a multiscale perspective related to mechanical designs, control strategies, and data acquisition and processing.
Nanoscale Fabrication and Applications M3231.000100
The fundamental principles associated with nanoscale materials (e.g. nanoparticle, nanotube, and thin-films) including fabrication, properties, characterization, and application are introduced. Various applications such as energy, bio, and opto-electronic devices based nanoscale materials with engineered functionality are discussed. Multi-scale characterization techniques for mechanical, structural, and opto-electronic properties are discussed.
Guided Ultrasonic Wave Analysis and Applications M1598.000400
The analysis of ultrasonic waves requires understanding of frequency-dependent wave propagation phenomena. After learning basic wave phenomena in infinite and semi-infinte elastic media, students will study various guided waves such as the bending waves based on the Euler and Timoshenko beam theories, the Lamb and shear-horizontal waves in plates and the Pochhammer-Chree waves in cylinders. Besides, recent techniques to manipulate wave propagation characteristics will be covered.
Control Systems 1 M2794.005300
This is an introductory course on applied linear algebra and linear dynamical systems. This course will cover the following topics: the basic concepts of state-space descriptions such as controllability/observability, minimal realization and matrix exponential; linear state-variable feedback; quadratic regulator theory; norms; quadratic forms; Lyapuniv theory; linear time-varying system and its controllability/observability; singular value decomposition(SVD) and its applications; Hankel model reduction.
Engineering Acoustics M2794.005400
Fundamental theories for sound generation, transmission, absorption and radiation phenomena are introduced using simple mechanical and acoustical models. The final objective of this course is to develop capabilities of applying the fundamental theories to practical noise and vibration problems.
Robot Mechanics M2794.005500
Topics: rigid body motions, product of exponentials forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, closed chain mechanisms and parallel manipulators, workspace and manipulability, robot dynamics using Lie groups, closed chain dynamics, nonholonomic robot systems, robot control.
Geometric Methods for High-Dimensional Data Analysisb M3228.002300
This course introduces geometric methods for learning low-dimensional representations of high-dimensional data. After covering the fundamentals of differential geometry — specific topics include Riemannian manifolds and Lie groups, tensors, connections and fiber bundles — we develop geometric generalizations of traditional machine learning algorithms(e.g, manifold learning, metric learning) for data that may be high-dimensional, non-Euclidean, and possess some underlying symmetry. Efficient computational algorithms to implement these methods are also introduced. We also investigate the connections between reinforcement learning and stochastic optimal control from the perspective of Ito stochastic differential equations. Geometric methods for reinforcement learning problems involving high-dimensional, non-Euclidean data are also developed.
Advanced Topics in Dynamics, Control and Robotics M2794.005700
The goal of this course is to teach students of fundamental and state-of-the-art advanced theoretical developments and results in the area of dynamics, control and robotics, and to introduce important applications thereof.
Smart Autonomous Driving System ControlM3228.002400
이 과목은 차량동역학 및 제어 시스템과 제어이론응용을 다룬다. 동역학적 해석을 위한 물리적인 특성 및 모델링, 차량주행안전성, 스마트 자율주행 시스템에 대해 강의하고 이런 시스템에 응용되는 제어이론 및 제어기법을 학습할 수 있도록 한다. 특히, 스마트 자율주행 제어시스템의 최신 기술동향에 대해 소개한다. 자동차의 사고방지안전시스템 및 운전자보조시스템에 적용되는 제어이론을 소개한다. 또한 자율주행자동차에 핵심요소기술, 위치정보, 도로주위환경인지, 주행모드판단제어의 기본이론을 소개한다.
Control System 2 M2794.005900
As a sequel of Control System 1, this course aims to introduce graduate students to essential concepts and techniques in advanced control system design and analysis, with particular emphaisis on nonlinear control, stochastic estimation and control, adaptive control and nonlinear optimal control.
Vector Space Optimization M2794.006000
This course offers a unified treatment of optimization on finite―dimensional and infinite―dimensional vector spaces. The focus is on both the underlying mathematical theory and practical algorithms; The objective is to provide the student with the necessary intuition in selecting an appropriate optimization algorithm, to make sense of the results, and when necessary to customize the algorithm to exploit any special features of the problem. The course should be useful to any graduate student whose research involves optmization in some form and wishes to take advantage of as much as possible of the many existing optimization software. At the same time, the course offers a solid grounding in the tools of linear algebra, variational calculus, and functional analysis techniques revelant to optimization―this will enable the student to find analytic solutions when they exists, be able to rigorously prove optimality results, and enhence the ability to recognize any special features in a given optimization problem.
Vibration M2794.006100
In this course we will have an in-depth study of the phenomena of vibration.? We will discuss the following topics in the class: the free and forced vibrations of lumped parameter systems; natural frequencies and normal modes of continuous systems; the modal analysis technique; the approximate method; the non-linear vibration analysis; the applications of the finite element method to vibration problems. This course will also cover various experimental techniques such as the random process and vibration analysis; digital signal process analysis; FFT algorithm; window function; experimental set-up; instrumentation; modal parameter identification from the modal testing data; frequency response function based substructuring synthesis.
Biologically Inspired Robotics M2794.006200
This course is designed to explore robot design based on ideas from biology. The topics include understanding of biological systems such as muscles, various types of locomotion and neural control; various components for building biologically inspired robots such as actuators, manufacturing technologies, mechanisms and control theories; and various examples of biologically inspired robots, rehabilitation robots and other biomedical robots.
Bio-MEMS M2794.006300
This course will provide a general overview of and the theoretical basis for bio-MEMS, in which the technologies of MEMS, microfludics, micro electronics and micro biology are united into one.
Particle and Aerosol Technology M2794.006400
Generation, growth, transport and deposition of particles in gas phase are studied. Aerosol dynamics modeling and instrumentation measuring the aerosol size distribution are also dealt with. Application fields such as nanoparticle synthesis and filtration will be presented.
Instrumentation for Measurement Analysis and Control M2794.006800
This course is to provide essential techniques for precision metrology and vision inspection for mechanical systems, manufacturing, and products. Core themes are delivered such as Dimensional metrology, Machine metrology, Machine vision, Digital image processing, 2D/3D metrology, Interferometry, and SPM(scanning probe microscopy) for Nano 3D profile measurement.
Design for Manufacturing M2794.006900
In new product development, about 70% of product’s life-cycle cost is determined at the design stage. As the global competitions become more severe, the designers play more important role to satisfy short product development cycle and low development cost. To perform an effective design, following issues should be considered by designer: manufacturing processes, manufacturability, cost, assembly, material, and environmental impact. This wholistic design methodology is called Design for Manufacturing, and Design for Assembly and Design for Environment are examples of branches of DFM. In this class, 2~3 students form a group to plan a creative product, to perform conceptual design, material selection, detail design, and prototyping. At each stage of the product development, the concept of DFM is to be applied and various computer software will be used.
Introduction to Design of Medical Robots and Devices M3228.002700

This course will introduce students to the field of medical robotics and devices, including the design, development, and application of robots and devices for surgical, assistive, and therapeutic uses. Specifically, the course presents the working principles and mechanisms of robotic minimally invasive surgery, robotic intervention, surgical robots, prosthetic devices, rehabilitative devices, and implantable devices, and introduces technologies such as haptics and teleoperation. The course will consist of lectures by the professor, guest lectures from the clinical field, and journal review presentations by students, and a team project.

Continuum Mechanics M2794.007100
This course will cover the following topics in continuum mechanics: geometrical foundations; stress tensor; the rate of rotation and deformation; mass, momentum, the moment of momentum, and energy; Cauchy’s stress quadric; entropy; thermodynamics and mechanical equilibrium; constitutive equations; the restrictions of elastic coefficients; curvilinear coordinates. Especially, we provide systematically and abstractly the basic knowledge to establish the constitutive theory and kinematics and emphasize the numerical aspect on finite element analysis based on the continuum theory.
Plasticity M2794.007200
This course will cover either plasticity basics or the advanced topics in plasticity. In the basic plasticiy, the following items will be taught. the foundation of the theory; general theorems; elasto-plastic problems; plane plastic strain; the theory of the slip-line field; two-dimensional problems of steady motion; axial symmetry; plastic anisotropy. In the advanced topics of plasticity, the following topics are covered. the microscopic and macroscopic aspects of plastic deformation; limit theorems; anti-plane elasto-plastic strain; the deformation theory of plasticity and high temperature creep; the effect of strain hardening on stability and uniqueness; the role of plasticity in frictional contact, machining, fracture, and geophysics.
Finite Element Analysis M2794.007300
In this course students will be acquainted with the basic concepts and mathematical formulation of finite element methods so as to analyze static and dynamic problems. This course will examine the numerical algorithms for efficient and effective problem solving techniques.
Theory of Elasticity M2794.007400
This course will cover the theory and applications of sector elasticity. We will discuss the following topics: plane stress and plane strain; two-dimensional problems in rectangular coordinates; two-dimensional problems in polar coordinates; photoelasticity; strain energy methods; two-dimensional problems in curvilinear coordinates.
Analysis and Design of Lightweight Deployable Structures M3228.002800
This course focuses analysis and design of lightweight and deployable structures, including space frames, tension structures, plate and shell structures, thin-walled membrane structures, adaptive structures, and origami designs. Potential applications in mechanical, aerospace, biomedical, civil, and environmental engineering will be explored. Mechanisms of lightweight and deployable structures and their corresponding changes of mechanical properties will be investigated up the application of external loads. Students will also learn computer simulations and equipment operation skills for prototyping.
Computational Nanomechanics M2794.007600
Molecular dynamics method is introduced to study nanoscale behavior of solid structures through the basis on statistical thermodynamics. Ensembles on NVE, NVT, NPT, flexible cell are studied for proper unit cell simulations. Quasicontinuum method is studied for static problems. Local theory and nonlocal theory are introduced in the framework of finite element methodology. Continuum-based Surface mechanics is studied for the analysis of mechanical behavior of solids in nanoscale. Size effect of the surfaces is introduced in order to consider surface bonding effect. Finally bridging scales between atomistic and continuum domains are outlined for concurrent multiscale method.
Smart Materials and Design M2794.007700
This course will focus on understanding and modeling the mechanical behavior of smart materials such as PZT and Shape Memory Alloy(SMA). Linear piezoelectricity and thermoelasticity will be studied as the basis for understanding the macro behavior of PZT and PVDF. This course will also introduce micromechanics in order to provide an understanding of the detailed mechanism of mechanical behavior. In addition, polarization switching of PZT and phase transformation of SMA will be studied in detail. Based on our understanding of the constitutive equations of smart materials, we will explore the function of the smart materials in actual structures and also do analyses of actual problems to apply to designing.
Probabilistic Engineering Analysis and Design M2794.007800
The course covers three important issues encountered in practical engineering fields: statistical data analysis, probabilistic engineering analysis and design. Statistical data analysis includes advanced topics in engineering statistics, graphical and quantitative methods for statistical data analysis, and Bayesian statistics. Probabilistic engineering analysis covers reliability and hazard functions, accelerated life testing, uncertainty propagation analysis, reliability analysis, and health monitoring and prognostics techniques. Probabilistic engineering design includes probability sensitivity analysis, response surface modeling, and advanced methodologies for reliability-based design optimization. Some health monitoring techniques are briefly introduced in the end.
Advanced Thermodynamics M2794.007900
This course will extend the knowledge on classical thermodynamics to the graduate level and also introduce the fundamentals of statistical thermodynamics. We will examine macroscopic thermodynamic phenomena, analyze them in terms of both macroscopic and microscopic quantities and understand the relationship between them. Other tasks include the following: the reformulation of the basic principles of thermodynamics; the review of classical kinetic theory; working out the solutions of the Schrodinger equation for the modes of translation, rotation, vibration and others; application of these results to various cases; developing calculation methods for thermodynamic properties of gases and solids. This course will also provide a brief introduction to the principles and examples of irreversible processes.
Advanced Mechanical Engineering Analysis M2794.008000
This course deals with mathematical method and we will study the problems related with real world for mechanical engineering.
Advanced Internal Combustion Engine M2794.008100
Fundamentals of how the design and operation in internal combustion engines affect their performance and fuel requirements. Study of fluid flow, thermodynamics, combustion, heat transfer and friction phenomena, and fuel properties, relevant to engine power, efficiency, and emissions.
Convective Heat and Mass Transfer M2794.008200
The course deals with analytical and experimental approaches to solve heat and mass transfer problems accompanying with fluid flow. It covers the transport mechanism of heat and mass and application to practical engineering problem. Topics include external and internal flow heat transfer, heat and mass transfer in laminar and turbulent boundary layers, and natural convection.
Radiation Heat Transfer M2794.008300
This course will cover the following topics: the basic laws of thermal radiation; radiation properties of solids; radiant interchange properties of solids; radiant interchange among surfaces separated by a transparent media; non-gray surfaces; specularly reflecting surfaces; radiation properties of gases; radiant interchange through absorbing, emitting and scattering media; radiative equilibrium; combined radiation and conduction; combined radiation and convection; approximate methods of solution.
Cryogenic Engineering M2794.008500
This course will examine the basic theories and applications of cryogenic systems. We will have an overview of cryogenic system design and analysis techniques based on our general understanding of the fundamental principles of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. Topics that we will cover are as follows: the components of cryogenic systems and their performance; the diverse examples of cryogenic systems; several cryogenic refrigeration systems; liquefaction systems.
Inviscid Flow M2794.008600
Tensor analysis is introduced, so that the Navier-Stokes equation is derived conveniently from the basic conservative laws of fluid mechanics. Then, general theorems regarding the inviscid fluid flow are studied, and by applying the principle of superposition based on the linearity of the Laplace equation that holds for the irrotational flow of inviscid fluid (potential flow), solutions to problems of various two-dimensional potential flows passing over cylinders, ellipses, airfoils and polygons, and to problems of various three-dimensional potential flows passing over spheres and Rankine bodies. Next, the effects of the channel depth, gravity, surface tension, etc. on the surface or interface, due to the propagation of small amplitude waves, are studied. Lastly, propagation of a sound wave, normal shock wave, oblique shock wave are studied, which is extended and applied to the analyses of one-dimensional flows, and multi-dimensional flows passing over an airfoil.
Viscous Flow M2794.008700
This course introduces students to viscous flows. The course begins with specific cases where exact solutions are possible. Similarity solution methods are then used to solve various problems. Approximate methods are subsequently dealt with, and topics associated with stability, transition, and turbulence are briefly explained.
Advanced Gas Turbines M2794.008800
This course will examine the following topics: component performance; engine performance; Rotor fluid energy exchange; Euler turbine equation; Compressor aerodynamics; Radial equilibrium equation; Actuator disc theory; Blading; Losses; Compressor design; Combustor design; Turbine aerodynamics; Turbine heat transfer.
Micro Fluid Mechanics M2794.008900
This course introduces the behavior of liquids and gases at micro and nano scales that forms the basis of micro/nanofluidic technology. For theoretical understanding of the subject, we study the validity of continuum hypothesis, intermolecular and surface forces, capillary flows, contact line motion, and electrokinetic flows using the principles of classical fluid mechanics as well as modern physics. Introduction to microfluidic device fabrication, microliquid actuation and biological flows is made as the examples of the field’s applications.
Numerical Analysis in Mechanical Engineering M2794.009000
This course introduces various numerical methods to solve governing equations related to science and engineering problems. Specifically, interpolation, numerical differentiation, numerical integration, numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, and discrete transformation methods are covered in this course.
Turbulent Flows M2794.009100
The subject of turbulent flows is an important topic in fluid mechanics and is valuable to students in engineering, atmospheric sciences, applied mathematics and physics. In this course, we first cover the equations of fluid motion, statistical description of turbulent flows, and mean-flow equations. Then, we study the free shear flows, scales of turbulent motion, and wall flows. Finally, we describe turbulence modelling and simulation through the direct numerical simulation, eddy-viscosity models, and large eddy simulation.
Computational Fluid Mechanics M2794.009200
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a field of fluid mechanics in which fluid flows encountered in engineering applications are analyzed and predicted using numerical methods. In this course, the following subjects are covered: basic concept of fluid flow, introduction to numerical methods, finite difference methods, finite volume methods, solution of linear equation systems, method for unsteady problems, solution of Navier-Stokes equations, complex geometries, turbulent flows, compressible flow, efficiency and accuracy improvement, and some special topics.
Turbomachinery M2794.009300
In this course we will examine the theory and analysis method of turbomachines such as compressors, turbines, ventilators and pumps in relation to the actual design of machines and their performance analysis. We will discuss the following topics: internal flows with a focus on compressors and turbines; the fundamentals of rotating flows and unsteady flows; vorticity dynamics; wakes and losses in turbomachines; the effects of swirl, viscosity and compressibility on turbomachines.
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 1 M2794.009600
This course will examine selected topics in Solid Mechanics, Machinery Design, Product Engineering and also discuss Fracture Mechanics, the current trends and problems in Applied Mechanics and other various design problems related to Structural Analysis.
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 2 M2794.009700
The objective of this course is to acquire an overall knowledge requisite to the understanding of the FMS and its equipment. Another objective is to understand related problems and find possible solutions.
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3 M2794.009800
This course will cover the fundamentals of nonlinear vibration and chaos theory. It will introduce nonlinear vibration in the field of mechanical engineering and examine the solution methods. It will also examine the fundamentals of chaos theory which is actively researched currently.
Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering 4 M2794.009900
In this course we will examine various optimal design methodologies and the related numerical analysis methods. Various problems related to structural analysis, heat transfer and composite materials will be discussed in class.
Fuel Cell Fundamentals M2794.010400
This course introduces students to the fundamental aspects of fuel cell systems, with emphasis placed on proton exchange membrane (PEM) and solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). Students will learn the basic principles of electrochemical energy conversion while being exposed to relevant topics in materials science, thermodynamics, and fluid mechanics.
Dissertation Research M2794.011300
Laser Diagnostics M2794.012300
Laser diagnostics is for measuring fluid properties without disturbing target flows. Theoretical backgrounds on the laser diagnostics and cutting-edge optical measurement methods will be introduced and discussed for helping students to develop their own diagnostics tools specialized for experimental investigations on high speed non-reacting/reacting/turbulent flows.
Multiphase Flow M2794.012400
This course is aimed to provide graduate students with a strong background on fundamental fluid mechanics the necessary understanding of the dynamics of multiphase flow to carry out research in their area of interest. Particular emphasis will be placed on bubble and particle dynamics in gas-liquid and solid-gas flows, respectively. Also, some specific problems like sediment transport and cavitation will be discussed. Starting with deriving basic governing equations in multiphase flows, subsequent topics will include bubble-induced turbulence, particle interactions with turbulence, preferential accumulation, cavitation, and bubble dynamics(breakup, collisions and coalescence).
Advanced Manufacturing Processes M3228.000600
The goal of this course is to provide (1) a comprehensive overview of various advanced manufacturing processes including nontraditional and additive manufacturing, (2) fundamental physics, material science, and process models of advanced manufacturing processes, and (3) existing and emerging applications of advanced manufacturing processes. This course also introduces basic concepts of metrology in the context of quantitative evaluation of manufacturing precision. Various nontraditional manufacturing processes including abrasive machining, ultrasonic machining, laser machining, electro-chemical machining, electro-discharge machining, ion-/electron-beam machining are studied. In addition, various additive manufacturing processes. and their process characteristics, applications, and limitations are discussed. Also discussed are process parameter optimization strategy using artificial intelligence and application of advanced manufacturing in the network of manufacturing ecosystem.
Energy System Modeling M2794.012600
Various energy systems, either currently deployed or in development phase for future use, will be introduced. Advanced thermodynamic concepts will be learnt to understand those energy systems and operating principles. The students will be required to perform computational modeling on those energy systems to deepen the understanding.
Precision Machine System Design M2794.012700
This course is to provide fundamental concepts and practical techniques for the precision machine system design. Fundamental concepts for precision machine system design such as repeatability, precision, and accuracy are introduced, and practical system design techniques are taught such as vibration isolation system, design for minimum thermal distortion, kinematic design principles, stiffness enhanced structure design, flexure hinge system design, design for precision actuator systems, and design for vacuum processing system. Practical design cases and projects are assigned and demonstrated during the course.
Principles of Combustion Engineering M2794.012900
The primary goal of this course is to provide students with fundamental understanding of thermodynamics, combustion waves, reaction kinetics and transport theorem associated with the combustion phenomenon that is a self-sustainable process converting chemical energy into thermal energy. In addition, recent studies on turbulent combustion phenomena that utilize advanced diagnostics tools and broad backgrounds in turbulence and compressible fluid dynamics will be introduced and some selected cases will be intensively discussed. The theoretical lectures require undergraduate level fundamental backgrounds in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and chemistry while most basic concepts will be introduced in the first part of the lecture. Sub-topics that will be covered in the class include thermochemistry, combustion waves, chemical kinetics, mass/energy transportation, mass and energy conservation, premixed combustion, turbulent combustion basic, combustion applications, and propulsion basic.
Introduction to Mechanical Nanotech Processing M2794.013000
This course is designed to introduce nanotechnology and processing to the mechanical engineering major student. This course will cover the 1) top-down & bottom-up synthesis of nanomaterials such as nanoparticles, nanowires, nanotubes, and nanobelts based on metal, metal oxide, semiconductors and organic materials, 2) various novel properties in optical, electrical, mechanical, chemical and magnetic aspects, and their characterization methods, and finally 3) applications in electronics, renewable energies, and bioengineering fields, and their fundamental physics.
Mechanical Engineering Seminar 1 M3228.000700
This is a graduate-level seminar course, in which experts are invited to give a lecture the problems, issues, trends, new technologies, and application practices in mechanical engineering and its related fields. Each class will have its own theme and students can participate in speakers selection so that the active participation and discussion among all the participants are encouraged.
Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Mechanics M3228.000100
Self-organization of biomolecules drives hierarchical assembly of living systems from molecules to cells and tissues. As physical entities, components of living systems are subject to physical laws. In fact, mechanical interactions across multiple length scales are often at the center of many biological processes, ranging from stem cell differentiation to tissue homeostasis and disease progression. In this course, we discuss quantitative experimental techniques as well as theoretical frameworks to study mechanics and dynamics of molecules, cells and tissues. This course will provide an opportunity to view cells as living machines and to explore ways to engineer their behaviors.
Smart Manufacturing and Applications M3228.000200
Smart Manufacturing provides a methodology that improves productivity and safety of manufacturing by integrating ICT technologies to manufacturing processes and hardware. The contents include sensors with various principles and types, IoT, big data, AI, digital twin, and applications to manufacturing sites with case studies.
 The class consists of lectures and labs, and some labs require flipped learning assignment that promotes acquisition of preliminary knowledge and skills before the students take the lab sessions. Term project is a main driving force for student teams with 2~4 members to develop creative ideas smart manufacturing and to implement and verify their algorithm and hardware using 3D printer, CNC machine, industrial robot, collaborative robot, and manufacturing processes.
Sensor-Based Spatial Intelligence M3228.000300
The course studies a mobile platform where the platform moves in the environment to capture the sensor data from structures. The course covers the estimation problem as known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), including pose estimation of the moving platform, sensor modeling, and structure modeling from the incoming sensor data.
Mechanical Engineering Seminar 2 M3228.000400
This is a graduate-level seminar course, in which experts are invited to give a lecture the problems, issues, trends, new technologies, and application practices in mechanical engineering and its related fields. Each class will have its own theme and students can participate in speakers selection so that the active participation and discussion among all the participants are encouraged.
Human Centered Rehabilitation and Assistive Devices Design M3228.001600
Technology development to improve the quality of life of the disabled and the elderly has been developed as a core topic of the university’s curriculum based problem solving and community based project worldwide. Through the theoretical and practical experience necessary for the design and development of human-centered assistive devices that can solve the various social needs, students major in mechanical engineering can design products to solve problems existing in society and develop products in human centered perspective. In this course, theoretical lectures necessary for rehabilitation and assistive device design, and practice of problem-solving product design projects utilizing service design, Co-Design, and Participatory Action Research methods by using real world scenarios will be experienced.
Studies in Porous Media M3228.001700
Porous media, materials containing pores, is being applied in various fields ranging from traditional engineering fields such as petroleum engineering, agricultural engineering, hydrogeology, and soil mechanics to bio-engineering, energy engineering, and environmental engineering fields that are being extensively studied recently. This course provides an overview of fundamental knowledge porous media, and presents and discusses recent issues of porous media and techniques to analyze them. Then, a project is executed to devise a creative scheme to solve or analyzee of the discussed problems as the project theme. The course aims to improve understanding of porous media and current issues and to acquire various techniques for analyzing porous media.
Fluid Mechanics M2794.001300
유체역학의 기초 교과목으로서 유체의 성질, 유체 내의 압력분포, 제어체적에 대한 적분관계식, 유체질점에 대한 미분관계식, 차원해석과 상사성 및 덕트내의 점성유동 등을 학습한다. 이를 통하여 유체역학의 기초원리를 이해하고 실제문제에 응용하기 위한 능력을 배양한다.
Mechatronics M2794.013400
본 과목은 기계공학분야에서 메카트로닉스 시스템 구성을 위한 전기전자회로 설계, 마이크로프로세서 응용기술에 대한 이론과 실습으로 구성된다. 우선 전기/전자회로 구성을 위해서 DC 회로설계, 저항, 커패시터, RC회로, 필터회로, 다이오우드 회로, 트랜지스터, OP 앰프등의 설계 및 운용기술을 강의한다. 그리고 8086/8088/80196마이크로프로세서 시스템의 구조, 설계, 입출력 인터페이스등을 강의한다. 실습에서는 회로설계를 구현할수 있는 보드, 회로 구성요소들이 나누어지며, 매 실험에서 부과된 회로를 직접 설계 구현하도록 한다. 구체적으로는 회로설계, 마이크로프로세서 응용설계, 디지털 입출력 시스템 구현, 스테핑모터, 센서입출력등이 실험되고, 최종 학기말 프로젝트로서 각 팀별로 메카트로닉스 시스템을 설계, 제작하는 것이 부과되고, 경연대회를 통해서 성능평가를 실시한다.