Department News

Prof. Choi, Haecheon of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University has been appointed as a Distingui


This appointment recognizes Professor Choi's outstanding research achievements, particularly his innovative studies in turbulence prediction and control, which have established him as a world-renowned scholar in the field of fluid mechanics. Through various research efforts related to the mechanical industry, Professor Choi has significantly contributed to the advancement of South Korea’s mechanical industry. Last year, he was named the "Engineer of the Year" by the Korea Association of Machinery Industry.


Seoul National University confers the title of Distinguished Professor to individuals who have received international academic awards such as the Nobel Prize or achieved world-class research milestones, providing support to sustain their academic contributions. Professor Choi's appointment as a Distinguished Professor is expected to strengthen the research capabilities of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and serve as a critical stepping stone in establishing Seoul National University as a world-class research institution.


Through this appointment, Prof. Choi, Haecheon will continue to lead future-oriented research in the field of mechanical engineering.

Prof. Choi, Haecheon is globally acknowledged as a leading scholar in the field of fluid mechanics. He has pioneered and advanced this area by presenting innovative ideas for the prediction and control of turbulence (亂流, turbulence). Moreover, he has developed new flow control techniques by integrating biomimetics with fluid mechanics. He has delivered over 40 invited lectures at international academic conferences and received numerous awards, including the LG R&D Award, the Top 10 Mechanical Technologies of the Year Award, the Gallery of Fluid Motion Award from the American Physical Society, the Fluid Engineering Academic Award, and the Sudang Award. Additionally, he has been recognized as the "Engineer of the Year" in Korea.
Professor Choi is an elected Fellow of the American Physical Society and a full member of both the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and the National Academy of Engineering of Korea. He is also actively serving as an Associate Editor of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics, one of the leading journals in fluid mechanics