Department News

The 1st Hanbaek Scholarship Award Ceremony



The 1st Hanbaek Scholarship Award Ceremony was held March 7th.

The Hanbaek Scholarship was created with the donation of 1 million USD by UCLA Emeritus Professor Han Hong-taek, who was an alumnus of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Seoul National University and served as a WCU professor and KIST president in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and his wife, Baek Hoon, an alumnus of the Department of Fine Arts at Seoul National University. A scholarship of $100,000 annually is provided to mechanical engineering and engineering students for 10 years as living expenses.

In this award ceremony, a total of 16 students from 1st to 4th year, 8 from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and 8 from other departments of the College of Engineering, were selected. From next year, 2 new students each, a total of 4 new students each year, will be additionally selected in the March semester to provide scholarships for up to eight semesters until undergraduate graduation.
Prof. Hyung-Min Park moderated the ceremony, and Professor Hong-taek Han and his wife, Baek Hoon, attended the ceremonyline from Los Angeles, USA.

Professor Han Hong-taek and his wife Baek Hoon were introduced by Woo-il Lee, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical Engineering (President of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, former Vice President of Research at Seoul National University), and Jin-oh Kim, President of Mechanical Alumni Association (Emergency Professor of Kwangwoon University, Chairman of Robot & Design) behalf of the alumni association. Congratulatory remarks were given, and the awarding student representative read a thank-you note.