Department News

2020 Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards and College of Engineering Outstanding Doctoral Dissertati



The 2020 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards were carried out at the Office of the Department Chair (Room 116, Bldg. 301) Graduation Day, February 26th. Department Chair Professor Min Soo Kim presented the awards himself, congratulating the recipients.

This year’s recipients from our department are as follows:
- Dr. Jun-gu Kim (Entrance year: 2015, Dynamics/Control, Prof. Yeon June Kang)
- Dr. Woo-kyun Jung (Entrance year: 2018, Design/Production, Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn)
- Dr. Jae-young Lee (Entrance year: 2014, Dynamics, Prof. Do-Nyun Kim)
- Dr. Kwon-kyu Kim (Entrance year: 2016, Thermodynamics, Prof. Seung Hwan Ko)
- Dr. Beom-jun Shin (Entrance year: 2016, Fluid dynamics, Prof. Ho-Young Kim)

In addition, Dr. Ji-hoon Koh from our department received the College of Engineering Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award.
- Dr. Ji-hoon Koh (Entrance year: 2015학번, Nano/Bio, Prof. Noo Li Jeon)

The Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards are conferred to doctoral graduates and expected graduates of the year. Recipients are selected out of applicants after assessments of respective committees. The assessment criteria include published or confirmed articles SCI€ journals, evaluations of individual articles, Impact Factor, Eigenfactor Score, citation counts, awards received, and other evaluations in the subfield.

The Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards were recently established in order to encourage graduate students in College of Engineering and help them grow into world-renowned researchers.