Department News

Myeongbaek Youn from Prof. Byeng Dong Youn’s Team Receives Best Paper Award at KSME Spring Conference Reliability Division


Myeongbaek Youn from SNU Mechanical Engineering Laboratory for System Health & Risk Management (Advisor: Prof. Byeng Dong Youn) received Best Student Paper Award at the 2020 Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (KSME) Spring Conference Reliability Division. The paper is titled “A Study Fault Characteristics of Rotating Machinery under Varying Speed Conditions Based Time-Frequency Metrics.” It presents a time-frequency representation of fault information from rotating machinery used under varying speed condition, and proposes a method to compare and analyze the metric for a time-frequency representation method in which fault characteristics are better emphasized. The new method relies fault related information, independent of system type, demonstrating the originality and excellence of the research.