Department News

Prof. Byeng Dong Youn Awarded as PHM Society Fellow


▲ Professor Byeng Dong Youn, Department of Mechanical Engineering, SNU

This September, SNU Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professor Byeng Dong Youn (Laboratory for System & Health Risk Management, SHRM) was awarded as a PHM Society Fellow, recognized for his significant contributions to the field of PHM (Prognostics and Health Management).

PHM is a research field which analyzes and predicts industrial data, improving the utility and production quality of industrial components and focusing on industrial safety and productivity enhancement. Prof. Youn has published over 110 articles in international journals and over 400 articles in conferences during the last 18 years. Prof. Youn’s high H-index (35), number of Google Scholar citations (more than 6,200), and Best Paper Awards (more than 5 times) from renowned international journals and conferences show the excellent quality of his research.

He has also played a leading role in commercializing the PHM technology. The technology developed in his laboratory was selected as Best Technology from the ‘Industry-Academia-Research Research Cooperation Project’ carried out by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning. Subsequently, OnePredict Inc. was founded in October 2016. The company (CEO: Prof. Byeng Dong Youn) works with a number of prominent Korean and global companies (ABB, Schaeffler, Siemens, Honeywell, Saudi Aramco and more), and has been working to improve their competence in the global market by cooperating overseas.

In addition, Prof. Youn has been active as an advisor and in the academia. He has given over 150 guest lectures and worked as an advisor to prominent companies including LG Electronics, Samsung Electronics, and Hyundai Motors. He has also played a leading role in founding the Korean Society for Prognostics and Health Management (KSPHM) in order to share and discuss the current PHM technologies in Korea and other countries, constructing an industrial ecosystem of PHM. He was selected as the President of KSPHM in 2019 and has been active since.