Department News

Dr. Min-Soo Kim Selected as CIRP Research Affiliate


Dr. Min-Soo Kim of the Innovative Design and Integrated Manufacturing Lab (Director: Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn) has been selected as a Research Affiliate of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering, 

CIRP is a world-leading organization in manufacturing process, machining, machine tool, production system management, control, optimization and design research.

CIRP consists of 170 Fellow Members, 130 Associate Members, 140 Corporate Members, and 100 Research Affiliates. The Research Affiliate Program aims to create a sustainable network of outstanding young researchers in the field of production engineering. Candidates must hold a doctoral degree and be under 36 years of age.

Dr. Min-Soo Kim was nominated as a Research Affiliate by KAIST Prof. Seung-Woo Kim. Currently, there are 3 Research Affiliates in Korea, including Dr. Kim. Research Affiliates can register for CIRP conferences and interact with international scholars.