Department News

Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn Elected as Fellow of International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP)


SNU Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn Elected as CIRP Fellow<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn, presented with the Fellowship Certificate at the General Assembly by Prof. Dumur, CIRP President

Seoul National University’s College of Engineering (Dean: Kookheon Char) announced that Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn of the Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering has been elected as a Fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering.


Academic contributions of Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn encompass areas including 3D printing, micro and nano productions, sensors, soft robots, and smart factories. On August 24th, he was presented the Fellowship Certificate by CIRP at the 69th CIRP General Assembly held in Birmingham, UK.


The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) is a leading organization in production engineering research, with academy and industry professionals from 50 countries around the world. CIRP, founded in 1951, is based in Paris, France. Currently, the organization has around 150 active Fellows who are elected according to their contributions to the field of production engineering. There are now 4 Fellows in Korea, including Prof. Ahn.




SNU Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn