Department News

Vaccine Fridge Developed by Professor Sung Hoon Ahn’s Research Team Distributed to Africa


(Seoul = Yeonhap News) Journalist Saerom Chae = SNU IGSR revealed last 20th that the motorcycle/ car attachable vaccine fridge developed by Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professor Sung Hoon Ahn’s research team is currently being distributed to Africa.

Realizing the deteriorated traffic infrastructures and the lack of vehicles for professional vaccine transport in developing countries, Professor Ahn’s Team developed a vaccine fridge, in joint research with the International Vaccine Institute, capable of maintaining optimal temperatures powered through motorcycle batteries or car generators that can be attached to these vehicles.

On the 9th of this month, 2 vaccine fridges were distributed to Malawi, Africa and another was sent to Tanzania on the 13th. Next January, Kenya and Nepal will be receiving these fridges as well.

IGSR said ‘As long as there is just a small narrow path that can be traversed by motorcycle or car, Vaccines can be supplied to mountainous or other remote regions. It will contribute to increased vaccination rates and
  reduced infant mortality in developing countries

Vaccine Fridge installed in Tanzania, Photo by SNU IGSR

2016/12/20 14:53

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