Department News

The 28th Aerospace Exhibition (2013. 9. 25 (Wed) – 9. 27. (Fri))


SNU Dep. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The 28th Aerospace Exhibition

2013. 9. 25 (Wed) – 9. 27. (Fri)

10:00 – 18:00

SNU Cultural Center Exhibition Hall

Opening Ceremony : 9. 25 11:00 AM

- Contents –

Words of Encouragement for the 28th Aerospace Exhibition

Hanaro – Small Solid Rocket

Icarus – Human Powered Aircraft Design and Manufacturing

SMERF – Space Exploration Robot

SNUSAT – Compact Satellite Research and Development

POLARIS – Navigation and Application Development

For the 28th
Aerospace Exhibition

SNU Dep. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Faculty Dean and Head of BK21

Haecheon Choi



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The annual Aerospace Exhibition has already come to its 28th event and has become exceedingly obvious that the age of young adults has come to place, with the event gaining its place as a more meaningful and productive one as every year passes.

The Aerospace industry is the new driving power that hold the future of our country, and it is necessary to develop the industry for the country to gain its ground as a developed country, not forgetting its importance in the safety and international position of the nation. Our government has also began planning and pushing the creation of a medium-sized aircraft industry since last year and has also launched the Korean Projectile business to secure projective technology unique to the country. In order for these big national companies to succeed, what is more crucial and urgent than any other is the development and securing of talents and professionals within the field. With this in mind, I feel that the aerospace exhibition held and organized by students of our faculty will become a strong foundation for the nation’s aerospace industry.

The Aerospace Exhibition can be aptly described as an achievement obtained through the combination of new ideas and past knowledge coming from the collaboration of seniors, juniors and fellow friends. Through this process, I feel that this is a great opportunity to raise awareness and understanding of aerospace engineering along with improving and fine-tuning teamwork within groups. This year, clubs such as Firefly, Hanaro, Icarus, SMERF, SNUSAT, POLARIS and others have participated to show the finalized forms of their years of hard work and dedication and I do not doubt that it will be an exemplary case of the school-corporation partnership through the participation of many other firms as well. In an age where one’s specification and GPAs are held in high regard, nothing can be compared to the feeling of achievement when one spends countless sleepless nights developing something one loves. This is an experience largely welcome by research institutes and companies alike after graduation.

I give my thanks to the professors who have spent their time guiding these clubs as well as ‘Korean Airlines’, ‘KAI’, ‘KARI’, ‘Hanhwa’ and other related firms for funding this exhibition to become a successful one. All in all I sincerely hope that the 28th Aerospace Exhibition will be a fun and enriching event for the participants and once again, I give my thanks to the students, professors and other firms for making this event a success.


Words of Encouragement

SNU Dep. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Head Professor of the Aerospace Exhibition

Chongam Kim


The 28th Aerospace Exhibition this year will be held at the SNU Cultural Center. I believe that it was the efforts of the students who spent sleepless nights and the support from our professors that kept this event, what started off as a simple faculty exhibition event, continuing on for such a long time. On top of the creations from the pure passion of our students in the faculty clubs, this year’s exhibition also shows presentations and support from our national aerospace firms such as Korea Aerospace, Korean Airlines, AP Aerospace, Hanhwa and other specialist firms. I believe that the exhibition will be a great help to paving the way for an Aerospace Engineer.

Aerospace sectors of the developed world in countries such as US, UK, France, Cana and others have contributed greatly to the country’s economy through the development of commercial airplanes and international development collaborations. Within the nation, the industry is focused on developing/exporting equipment for the nation’s defenses with the manufacturing of the T-50 trainer and the F-16 fighter jets. Especially, the recent securing of business rights for core parts with the commercial airplane manufacturing firm Airbus has been a very beneficial event which shows the recognition of our nation’s business management ability to be among the world’s best.

The main aerospace industry –developed nations not only focus on the airline sector but the development of space technology as well, recognizing the fostering of the space industry as a new growth momentum for the nation as well. Recently, Japan, China and even India has successfully launched moon exploration satellites, along with US’s NASA successfully completing its last space shuttle launch and revealing its plans to send a manned spacecraft to Mars by 2030. Korea also successfully launched Spacecraft Naro into the orbit after 3 attempts and I feel that the independent development of the spacecraft’s top part not only shows the advancement of the nation’s space technology but also has left a great impact in the technology and industries of other fields as well. With the launch of Spacecraft Naro as a start, Korea is researching and developing an independent stepping stone for a complete space technology including but not limited to an independent launch of practical satellites and moon probes.

Currently, Korea is continually funding its aerospace industry under government lead plans, and is aggressively investing in manpower and the expansion of the aerospace industry, along with the efforts of research developers to bring Korea a step further into becoming an aerospace-developed nation. A series of processes such as these means a reality for the dreams of hardworking men like you. As a member of the Aerospace industry, we have to continuously defend and develop our beautiful tradition with pride. Last but not least, I wish to send my thanks to all the student, professors, research institutes and firms for making this event a success.
