Department News

Ph.D. Student Gil Yong Lee Appointed as CIRP-RA


Ph.D. Student Gil Yong Lee of Professor Sung Hoon Ahn’s Innovative Design and Integrated Manufacturing lab has been appointed as a Research Affiliate of CIRP (The International Academy for Production Engineering, last August. <?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

CIRP is an academy leading the world in research in the manufacturing, equipment and system management, control, optimization and design.

The academy selected 170 Fellow members, 130 Associate members, 140 Corporate members and 100 Research Affiliates after a stric judging process and a research affiliate position is set up to continuously produce young researchers with outstanding research results. To become a candidate for the position, one has to have at least 3 years in the Ph.D. course or completed it.

Ph.D. student Gil Yong Lee, through the recommendation of KAIST’s Professor Dong Yeol Yang, was the 2nd person to be appointed as Research Affiliate in the country and will be given the opportunity to participate independently in future CIRP Conferences. He will also be part of international academic exchanges in the future.