Department News

[Seoul Newspaper] Head of the Department of Research Joon Sik Lee Appointed as the Chairperson of the ‘MSIP College of Engineer


[Creative Economy Gaining Momentum] Developing a Person like Nobel<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

MSIP College of Engineering Innovation Committee set up to cradle and develop talents.

▲ Joon Sik Lee SNU Head of the Department of Research

The MSIP is growing the College of Engineering into a source of core talents for the creative economy. Their main motive to develop not people who win Nobel Prizes but people who are more like Nobel himself.

The MSIP reveled on the 13th that they will hold their opening ceremony of the College of Engineering Innovation Committee on the 14th in the KOFST Hall located in Gangnam, Yeoksam and will reform the college of engineering to develop technology and human resources necessary for the creative economy.

For quite some time, Colleges of Engineering have been criticized for the lack of commercialization of developed technology by the industry despite the R&D investments made, along with people coming from the colleges facing difficulty in adapting to the industry and lacking of social skills. The above committee plans to carry out checks on colleges of engineering to see if professors teach solely theoretical lectures or focus excessively on researches, along with lack of employees in with experience in the industries. They also plan to collect opinions and form an innovation plan mainly based around government funded support programs, professor evaluations and legal matters by March.

The committee is comprised of 19 people from the industries, academics, research representatives and personnel related to the government. Private members include CEOs, Representatives related to engineering education and the head of Company-School collaboration from colleges. Government members include personnel from the MSIP, MOTIE and MOE. The head of the committee is the head of the SNU Department of Research Joon Sik Lee.

Future Talent Policy Director Seok Young Jang from MOTIE said “While the colleges of engineering have played a big role in the progress of the industry and economy, there is a need for them to start paving a way for developing necessary human talents for the creative economy. While still keeping the interest for journals and research, we will improve areas that lacked attention thus far such as academic links and technology transfers.”

Journalist Hee Jin Myung

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