
Thesis examination plan for the first semester of 2023

The thesis examination plan for the first semester of 2023 is as follows. Please prepare the entire process by referring to the below and attachments.


<Qualification for submitting thesis>

1. Students who have passed the thesis submission qualification exam (foreign language and comprehensive exam (major exam)) for submitting the thesis

Please check [mySNU – 학사정보 – 졸업 – 졸업시험 신청 – 종합시험 판정결과 조회]

(If you failed the qualification exam, please cancel the application. The pass/fail result will be announced by the department office beforehand.)


2. Academic Credits:

Master’s program– Students with 24 or more credits (including credits expected to be acquired during the first semester of 2023)

Doctoral program – Students who have earned 60 or more credits in the entire graduate school course (including credits expected to be acquired during the first semester of 2023)


3. Students whose thesis submission has not elapsed:

- Master’s entered before AY2013: within 4years after the completion of regular semesters.

- Master’s entered after AY2014: within 3years after the completion of regular semesters

- Doctoral entered before AY2013: within 6years after the completion of regular semesters

- Doctoral entered after AY2014: within 5years after the completion of regular semesters


4. If you completed regular semesters, you must be registered as a graduate research student


<Submission of the documents for applying thesis examination>

1. Submission: 2023-03-27 (Mon) ~ 2023-03-30 (Thu), Department office (Bldg.301 Rm.116)

2. List of Documents

A. Ph.D. candidate: (Attachment 5. “박사논문심사등록양식.hwp”)

(1) 박사학위 논문심사요구서 (Application for Doctoral Thesis Examination)

(2) 지도교수 추천서 (Reference from the supervisor(professor))

(3) 이력서 (Resume)

(4) 논문심사위원추천서 (Recommendation for Thesis Examiner)

- Supervisor cannot be the committee chair (The supervisor is the vice-chair)

- The committee member should be listed in order of chair, vice-chair, internal personnel, and external judge.

- At leaste of the committee members should be the external judge.

- Personal information (C.P. number) of the external judge must be included.

- In case of a committee member cannot be commissioned as a judge, students must submit a ‘Committee member Replacement Report’ (

(5) 외부심사위원 수당지급 명세서 (Payment specifications for the external judge)

(6) 외부심사위원 인적사항 (Personal information of the external judge)

 * If you want to include the foreigner as a judgment board member, please inquire with the department office

(7) 외부심사위원 개인정보 수집 및 활용 (Consent to collection and use of personal information of external judge)

(8) 연구윤리 준수확인서 (Research integrity compliance statement)

(9) 박사학위 논문심사 대상자 인적사항 (Personal information the candidate(student))

(10) 국제학술지 게재 확인서 (Confirmation for the publication in SCI(E) journal) and the cover of the paper(first page of the paper including the abstract)

(11) 논문지도위원회 논문지도결과보고서 (Thesis Advisory Committee Report)


- Thesis paper for the examination must be submitted up to 7 days before the examination to individual committee members following the examination schedules.


B. M.S. Candidate: (Attachment 1. “석사논문심사등록양식.hwp”)
  1. 석사학위 논문 심사원 (Application for Master’s Thesis Examination)
  2. 논문심사위원추천서 (Recommendation for Thesis Examiner)
- Supervisor cannot be the committee chair (The supervisor is the vice-chair)

             - Fill in the Vice-Chair(Supervisor)ly. The committee chair and other members will be designated by the department following the major group.

             - If the external judge is commissioned, fill in the ‘위원(member)’ part.
  1. 연구윤리 준수 확인서 (Research Integrity Compliance Statement)
  2. 외부심사위원 수당지급 명세서 (Payment specifications for the external judge)
  3. 외부심사위원 인적사항 (Personal information of the external judge)
  4. 외부심사위원 개인정보 수집 · 활용 동의서 (Consent to collection and use of personal information of external judge)

- Paper for the examination must be submitted following the examination schedules which will be announced soon.


<Online application and Thesis examination fee payment>

1. Online application

A. Application Period: 2023-04-05 (Wed) ~ 2023-04-14 (Fri)

B. Application Method: mySNU Log In (Student ID) > Academic Affairs > Graduation >  Thesis/Dissertation >  Thesis/Achievement Examination

- Thesis/Achievement Language: Must be selected (English)

- Thesis/Achievement Title: Must be written in English

- Judging Committee Forming Date: Not Applicable

- Attachments: Not Applicable

- Research Integrity Compliance: must be checked

- After clicking the button “Apply”, the pop-up window about the consent to collection and use of personal information. Please check where you agree and click “send”


2. Thesis Examination Fee Payment

  1. Payment Period: 2023-04-18 (Tue) ~ 2023-05-03 (Wed) 17:00 (KST)
  2. Printing the payment bill:  mySNU Login (Student ID) > Academic Affairs > Graduation > Select and Print “Thesis Examination Fee Invoice”
  3. Payment must be made personally by the student/person planning to submit the thesis to a specified bank or through transfers to the personal virtual accounts. Masters 100,000 Won, Doctorate 300,000 Won
  4. Examination fees paid are non-refundable.  Payment after the payment period is not possible.


<Remark Ph.D. Examination>

The student should proceed the entire schedule thesis examination with the supervisor. Select the first examination date with your supervisor and manage the schedule with other judges. We recommends you to choose the first examination date as soon as possible.

 As the examination schedule (first and last examination date) is fixed, please let the department officer know. The officer in charge will contact the committee member following the examination schedule. If there is any change the schedule, please inform those so as to there is no confusion.

 Student should make the Seminar room reservationeself. If you don’t have the authority to make it, please send the request with MySNU ID and Student ID to the

  1. Entire examination period: From apply the request documents to 2023-06-30 (Fri)

First round should be held in April, Final round should be held in June


  1. Preparation

  1. First round of examination
       1) Document must be submitted to the committee members individually

  • 박사학위 논문심사 대상자 인적사항 (Personal information the candidate(student))
  • 국제학술지 게재 확인서 (Confirmation for the publication in SCI(E) journal) and the cover of the paper(first page of the paper including the abstract): acquire the approval from the department chair beforehand, and then provide the copies to each of the judges. (Receive the approved copies from the department office)
  • Thesis paper for the examination must be submitted up to 7 days before the examination to individual committee members following the examination schedules.
       2) Candidate must contact the judges (especially the external personnel) to confirm the examination schedule

       3) After finishing the first round, we recommend you to make schedule following rounds. As soon as the final round date is fixed, please let the officer know. 
  1. Final round of examination
1) Documents list: “박사논문심사결과서류양식(Attachment 6)”, “인준지(Attachment 7)” must be prepared byeself

  • After prepare all the documents (Covers and result documents formats), make confirmation from the officer (Ms. Seongryung Choo) before at leaste day from the final round and then participate in the final examination.
  •  For your information making the cover and approved paper of your thesis
      - Date of the outer cover is “2023년 8월(August 2023)”

      - Date of the thesis approval sheet(inner cover) below “이 논문을 공학박사 학위논문으로 제출함” is “2023년 4월(April 2023)”

      - Date of the thesis approval sheet below “OOO의 공학박사 학위논문을 인준함” is “2023년 6월(June 2023)”

      - The title of the thesis should be written in order of Korean and English

      - In case of the occasion such as change the title of the thesis the final round of examination, please prepare the documents in the USB participating the examination

      - Thesis paper for the examination must be submitted up to 7 days before the examination to individual committee members following the examination schedules

2) Candidate must contact the judges (especially the external personnel) to confirm the examination schedule 

  • 박사학위논문 예비심사 결과보고 (Report the Result of the preliminary examination Ph.D. Degree)
  • Print out 1 copy and receive approval from the chair of the committee
  • All the five committee members should attend
  • Report documents of preliminary examination should be written for the first round, second round, …, and the final round of thesis examination. Thus, the preliminary examination should be held at least more than twice before the final round.

  •  구술고사 성적표(Report card the oral presentation)

  • 신청자 성명: Name of the candidate
  • Date: Date of the Final round of the examination
  • Print out 5 copies and put it in the judge’s seat

  •  투표용지(Ballot)

  • 신청자 성명: Name of the candidate
  • Print out 5 copies and put it in the judge’s seat

  • 박사학위 논문심사요지 (Summary of the examination)

  • Print out 1 copy and confirmed receive approval from the chair of the committee.
  • Prepare the summary of the examination with your supervisor in advance

  •  논문심사 결과표(Result card of the Thesis examination)
    - Print out 1 copy and receive approval from the examination committee

  •  초록(Abstract) <Attachment 10. 학위논문 제본 및 인쇄 요령(Binding and printing tips for dissertations)>

  • 논문 표지와 인준지(Cover of the thesis paper and thesis approval sheet (inner cover)) <Attachment 7>

 - By principle, please receive examiner’s signature the thesis approval sheet

 - Final version of the thesis including thesis approval sheet should be submitted inline PDF file.

 - Non-face-to-face approval: If you have evidential materials (i.e. e-mail, etc.) to prove the examiner’s approval, it is possible to alternate by attaching signature file instead of real signature the cover.

 - If you have non-face-to-face approval, be careful to print out the non-face-to-face approval signature the cover first and then receive face-to-face approval.

* Final result documents of final round of examination:

 - Take care of the spelling of the title of thesis both outer, inner cover


C. Preparation of Refreshments

 - Following the “Improper Solicitation And Graft Act”, refreshments are prepared by the department office. Please visit the department office and find Ms. Seongryung Choo before the first round and final round of the examination.


* Best Doctoral Thesis Award

 - Our department select award winner every semester. Announcement for applying will be uploaded June. Inquiry: Ms. Hee Joung Choi (tel. 880-1913 /



<Remark M.S. Candidate>

* Oral Presentation between late May ~ early June

  1. Mechanics, Nano/Bio, Thermal Engineering, Fluids Engineering

1) Detailed Schedule: attachment

2) Method of progress: 20minutes per student (Presentation 15 min / Oral test 5 min)

3) Submission of thesis review materials (Proceeding): before 7 days of your exam date, hand in to Ms. Seongryung Choo (

  • The proceeding should be written in MS Word and then converted into PDF file.
  • Strictly follows the format, about 5~6 pages <Attachment 3>
  • Title should be written in order of Korean, and then English, regardless of the language of contents
        4) Preparation of the presentation

  • Prepare the presentation materials individually, make sure to have pre-test to avoid any problems during the test
  • Check your schedule and come 20-30 minutes earlier
  • Please make sure not to exceed 15 minutes for your presentation
  • Prepare the “심사요지(summary of the examination)” with your supervisor in advance, print out 1 copy with the title and your personal information
  • Take care of the spelling of the title of thesis the proceeding

      5) 인준지(thesis approval sheet)
  • It is the principle to receive examiner’s signature the thesis approval sheet
  • Final version of the thesis including the thesis approval sheet should be submitted inline PDF file.
  • Non-face-to-face approval: If you have evidential materials (i.e. e-mail, etc.) to prove the examiner’s approval, it is possible to alternate by attaching signature file instead of real signature the cover.
  • If you have non-face-to-face approval, be careful to print out the non-face-to-face approval signature the cover first and then receive face-to-face approval.

  • For your information making the cover and approved paper of your thesis (Attachment 4)

  • Date of the outer cover is “2023년 8월(August 2023)”
  • Date of the thesis approval sheet below “이 논문을 OOO석사 학위논문으로 제출함” is “2023년 4월(April 2023)”
  • Date of the thesis approval sheet below “OOO의 석사 학위논문을 인준함” is “2023년 6월(June 2023)”
  • The title of the thesis should be written in order of Korean and English

  1. Dynamics and Control, Design and Manufacturing: 자기주도워크샵(self-directed workshop), Spotlight Talk method
          1) Detailed Schedule of thesis examination: late May ~ early June

              Make sure to come up 20 minutes earlier than entire time


          2) Presentation method

Every session consists of 3~5 presenters

Every presenter shows 5 minutes of video presentation (mainly simulation, results)

After the presentation of a session, have 10 minutes of Open Q&A


3) Preparation of presenter

The proceeding should be written in MS Word and then converted into PDF file.

Strictly follows the format, about 5~6 pages <Attachment 3>

Title should be written in order of Korean, and then English, regardless of the language of contents

Presentation material (video): submit it at least 3 days before the examination to Ms. Seongryung Choo ( in mp4 format.

The presenters should participate the pre-test

Pre-test schedule will be announced around early May

4) How to make the proceeding

Prepare the “심사요지(summary of the examination)” with your supervisor in advance, print out 1 copy with the title and your personal information

Take care of the spelling of the title of thesis the proceeding


5) 인준지(thesis approval sheet)

- By principle, please receive examiner’s signature the thesis approval sheet

- Final version of the thesis including the signed thesis approval sheet should be submitted inline PDF file.

- Non-face-to-face approval: If you have evidential materials (i.e. e-mail, etc.) to prove the examiner’s approval, it is possible to alternate by attaching signature file instead of real signature the cover.

- If you have non-face-to-face approval, be careful to print out the non-face-to-face approval signature the cover first and then receive face-to-face approval.

- For your information making the cover and approved paper of your thesis (Attachment 4)

- Date of the outer cover is “2023년 8월(August 2023)”

- Date of the thesis approval sheet below “이 논문을 OOO석사 학위논문으로 제출함” is “2023년 4월(April 2023)”

- Date of the thesis approval sheet below “OOO의 석사 학위논문을 인준함” is “2023년 6월(June 2023)”

- The title of the thesis should be written in order of Korean and English

6) Others

Dynamics and Control, Design and Manufacturing group’s examination include peer review. Outstanding award will be selected by both examiners and students  


<Remarks both Ph.D. and M.S. candidates>

It is principle to hold thesis examination in face-to-face, but if the examiner prefers to attend in non-face-to-face, please contact the department office and then proceed with Zoom or etc. is possible.

If there is the examiner who wants to attend in non-face-to-face, provide the examiner’s e-mail address to the department office.


If there is special occasion such as applying for a patent, operational security, etc., you can apply to closed publication of thesis paper for up to 3 years. (Journal publication is not accepted)

Applicants should prepare the “비공개 신청서(attachment 12)”, and evidential materials to department office


If the examiner don’t want to receive honorarium, student should submit “논문심사료 등 미수령확인서(attachment 8)” to department office


<Submission of thesis paper (record copy)>

  1. Central Library Submission: 2023-07-21(Fri) ~ 2023-08-07(Mon)

  • Central library website( > Using the Libraries > Thesis Submission > 학위논문 온라인 제출
  • Include scanned thesis approval sheet into the PDF file
  • Original thesis approval sheet should be submitted to the department office

  1. Department office Submission: ~ 2023-08-07(Mon)

  1. 온라인 제출 확인서(certificate of digital thesis submission)

  • You can print it after submitting theline thesis to the central library
  • If there is an overdue payment fee in the central library, the certificate cannot be printed, so please print it out after paying the overdue fee

  1. Documents related to the thesis

  • Copy of covers, thesis approval sheet (original), first page of the introduction, abstract (both in Korean and English)
  • Hand in into printed hard copy

  1. Examiner’s approval opinion (if the signature is substituted in image file)

  • Print out the evidential materials

  1. “Turnitin” result report: less than 9%

  • Except for quotation, references / if the rate is high since the journal of yourself is included, please highlight those parts

  1. Others

  • For the person who didn’t submit the documents will be expelled from the degree conferment.
  • Hard copy of the thesis paper is acceptedly in the submission period, non-changeable after the submission.
  • Submission by proxy is accepted if it follows the announced format
  • Please checkce again your name referring to the diploma
To correct the name: mySNU > Change Student Status > Request to Changee Registered Info

Further information thesis submission follows the central library’s notice. Please find the central library website.


<Schedule (for Ph.D. Candidates)>

Subimission of Result report of thesis examination: ~ 2023-06-30 (Fri)

Request extension of thesis examination: ~ 2023-06-30 (Fri)


Inquiry: Ms. Seongryung Choo (880-7108)

Central Library&nbsp;Digital Library Systems & Services, Division of Library Services

Korean Announcement for the examination plan: 서울대학교 | 서울대학교 기계공학부 (