
[Graduate school] 2022 Spring semester MS/Ph.D. Qualifying exam for thesis submission

This is a notice for graduate students that are applicable to the 2022-1nd semester (Spring semester) Master’s/Ph.D. Qualifying exam for thesis submission.


Foreign Language Examination (prior requirement for qualifying exam)

- Who takes the examination? Graduate students who have been registered for at least 1 semester.


※ ENGLISH EXAMINATION is mandatory, but if a student is from an English-speaking country (either as a common official language or an official language), he or she must take the Korean language examination.


* ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRY : Nigeria, Republic of South Africa, New Zealand, Rwanda, USA, Sudan, United Kingdom, Canada, Kenya, Tanzania, Singapore, Ireland, Hong Kong

Qualification Standard Score
(Since May, 2018)
601 or higher 327 or higher 86 or higher 227 or higher

* Students must submit the English score result before submitting the qualifyng exam application form (Spring semester by late March, Fall semester by late September)


* Term of validity of the foreign language examination : Scores of the foreign language examinations (TEPS, TOEFL) arely valid for 2 years. However, scores earned and recognized at the time of, or subsequent to, entrance to SNU are valid until graduation.


※ Korean language examination for foreign students

- When can I take the examination? In March or September

- Examination Content : A written Korean exam will be held according to degree courses (Master's/Ph.D.) and the field of study (humanities/social sciences/natural sciences/art). Students in Master's course must receive score of 60 or higher, those in Ph.D. course, score of 70 or higher.


※ If a student receives a grade of "C- or higher" or "S" for a Korean course (Korean and Korean culture 1 or Korean and Korean culture 2) taken as a substitute for the Korean language examination during the regular semester or during the sessions that are held during summer/winter vacations, the Korean examination may be exempted, but the grade and credit earned will not count towards your total credits for coursework completion.



Major (Comprehensive) examination


Requirements for application


1) Students applicable to take the qualifying exam (major examination).

Master’s course students their 4th semester

-> Students who have entered September, 2020

Master’s/Ph.D. combined course students their 4th semester

-> Students who have entered September, 2020

Ph.D course students their 3rd semester

-> Students who have entered March, 2021

* All students if willing, may take the qualifying exam after registering for at least 2 semesters


2) Education requirements

All Master’s and Ph.D. (including Master’s/Ph.D. combined course) students must have completed the Environmental Safety education (initial education, 신규교육) and Suicide Prevention (life respect) education to take the qualifying exam.

For Suicide Prevention education, studentsly need to take the educationce, however regarding the Environmental Safety education, if students have had a period of gap between Master’s and Ph.D. course, they need to take the education again.

2. Submission of application form

1) Submission period : ~ 9th February (Wednesday), Room 116 Building 301 (or by email)

2) Forms required

Master’s course : Master’s degree Qualifying exam application form (Attachment 1)

Initial course requirements needed to have met

• Need to have taken 3 courses (including two courses ofe’s major group – of whiche of the two is a ‘core’ course)

• The average score of three courses needs to be above 60, when calculated as below.

• Calculation method : A+ (100), A0 (90), A- (80), B+ (70), B0 (60), B- (50), C+ (40), C0 (30), C- or below (0)

• If students have to include a course that is not from the Department of Mechanical Engineering to meet the initial requirement, the submission of ‘explanatory form’ (after receiving the signature from advisor) is needed.


Ph.D. course

- Ph.D. degree Qualifying exam application form (Attachment 2)

Students that have completed Master’s course in another university than SNU, also have to submit the ‘Master’s degree Qualifying exam application form (Attachment 1)’, since this is the initial course requirement for the qualifying exam.

- Submission of Non-disclosure agreement required by all students (Attachment 3)


Master’s/Ph.D. combined course

- Master’s degree Qualifying exam application form (Attachment 1) - initial course requirement for the qualifying exam

- Ph.D. degree Qualifying exam application form (Attachment 2)

- Submission of Non-disclosure agreement required by all students (Attachment 3)


* Students who have not taken the Environment Protection and Safety education (initial education, 신규교육) or Suicide Prevention (life respect) education must hand in the ‘education incompletion’ form (attachment 4 or 5, or both) and take the earliest available education.


3. Online application (by mySNU webpage)

- Students further have to applyline for the exam as well, for administrative reasons. The notice ofline application period will be given to students.

1) Application period: Feb 24th (Thur) ~ Mar. 8th (Tue)

2) Students of all degree courses must applyline as well.

3) When applying, students need to upload the Environment Protection and Safety education (initial education) and Suicide Prevention (life respect) education certificates.

4) Online application method

① MYSNU-Academic Affairs-Graduation-Apply for Graduation exam

ⅰ. Leave out the Receipt number, Joint Academic Advisor, Assistant Prof.

ⅱ. Upload the Environment Protection and Safety education (initial education) and Suicide Prevention (life respect) education certificates as Attachment Files.

② ‘Click Apply’

③ For ‘Course Registered Info.’ click ‘Add’ => select ‘major’ exam => Save

4. Announcement examination

1) Master’s course

① Students choose three courses (either undergraduate or graduate courses) they have taken of Mechanical Engineering (seperate from the ‘initial course requirement’) and give an answer the connection of the content learned with each course to their research content. (1 page per subject). The exam sheet will be sent by email late February, early March.

② Submission period (email) : To be announced (approximately 1 week given)

2) Ph.D. and Master’s/Ph.D. combined course

① Information of exam

- 1 hour exam

- 5-7 questions for each major group will be given. Students need to pick 3 questions and give answers.

- Students will be provided of the ‘question bank (about 30 questions in total)’, about a month before the exam (file with password for security)

② Score : Total 70 or higher to pass (Full score, 100)

③ Date of Exam : Mid-March, 2022 (To be announced)

5. Korean Language Examination (for students of English-speaking countries) : To be announced

6. Announcement qualifying exam results : On April, 2022



※ Inquiries: Office of Mechanical Engineering, Hye-jung Kim (, 880-1914)


1. Master's degree Qualifying exam application form

2. Ph.D. degree Qualifying exam application form

3. Non-Disclosure Agreement

4. (Environment Protection and Safety education) Education incompletion form

5. (Suicide Prevention education) Education incompletion form

6. Guideline for Ph.D. Qualification Examination