
[Graduate School] Announcement on 2016 2nd Semester Masters/Doctorate Thesis/Dissertation Examination Plans

Simryoung Park

The announcement regarding the 2016 2nd semester Masters/Doctorate Thesis/Dissertation Examination Plans are as follows. Applicable students are to take notice of the following schedule and plan ahead of time to avoid any complications.
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1. Students who have passed the Thesis Submission Qualification Test (Foreign Language and Comprehensive Examination (Major Exam))

2. Academic Credits :

Masters : Students who have accumulated at least 24 credits (Including credits for 2016 2nd semester)

Doctorate : Students who have accumulated a total of 60 credits (Including credits for 2016 2nd semester)

3. Students who have not exceeded the thesis submission time limit (4 years upon masters graduation, 6 for doctorate)

4. Graduated must be registered researchers (Researcher Registration Final Dates : 9. 21. (Wed) ~ 9. 30. (Fri))


1. Online Application

A. Application Period: 2016. 10. 10. (Mon) ~ 10. 17. (Mon)

B. Application Method: mySNU Log In (Student ID) à Academic Affairs à Graduation à Thesis/Dissertation  à Thesis/Achievement Examination

-       Thesis/Achievement Language : Must be selected (Korean or English)

-       Thesis/Achievement Title : Must be written in English or Korean

-       Judging Committee Forming Date : Not Applicable

-       Attachments : Not Applicable

2. Thesis Examination Fee Payment

A. Payment Period : 2016. 10. 19 (Wed) ~ 10. 31 (Mon)

B. Payment Bill Printing Method : mySNU Login (Student ID) à Academic Affairs à Graduation à Select and Print “Thesis Examination Fee Invoice”

C. Payment must be made personally by the student/person planning to submit the thesis to a specified bank or through transfers to the personal virtual accounts. Masters 100,000 Won, Doctorate 300,000 Won

D. Students approved for the extension for the 2016 1st semester Doctorate dissertation examination are exempt from the fee

E. Examination feses paid are non-refundable.  Payment after the payment period is not possible.


1. Submission Period and Location : Submit to ME office (301-116) by 2016. 10. 24 (Mon)

2. Documents to be Submitted

A. Masters Documents : Attached 2 “Masters Thesis Examination Application Format (석사논문심사등록양식.hwp)

(1) Application for Master’s Thesis Exam

(2) Recommendation for Thesis Examiner

(3) Payment Specifications for external judge (Only for applicable people)

(4) Personal Information of External Judge (Only for applicable People)

(5) Research Integrity Compliance Statement

(6) Receipt for Thesis Examination Fee

Thesis for judging are to be submitted following the thesis examination schedule

B. Doctorate Documents : Attached 3 “Doctorate Dissertation Examination Application Format (박사논문심사등록양식.hwp”

(1) Application for Doctoral Thesis Examination

(2) Recommendation letter from Academic Advisor

(3) CV(Resume)

(4) Recommendation for Thesis Examiner

- Must Include 1 external person

- In cases where dissertation guidance committee members cannot be commissioned as dissertation examination committee members, students must submit a Committee Member Replacement Report (Format: Downloads N0. 26 “Doctorate Dissertation Guidance Committee Format/ Format 2”)

(5)Payment Specifications for external judge

(6) Personal Information of External Judge

(7) Research Integrity Compliance Statement

(8) Personal Information on Dissertation Examination Applicant

(9) Confirmation of Thesis Publication in SCI Journal


Students who entered in 2013 and therebefore must publish 1 or more articles (ONLY 1st Author)

and Students who entered in 2014 and thereafter must publish 2 or more articles (1 article of 1st

Author, 1 article of co-author) in the SCI(E) journals or submit publish certificates so as to get

approval from Mechanical Engineering Program Chair.

(10) Receipt for Thesis Examination Fee

(11) Thesis Advisory Commiittee Report

Papers for judging must be submitted up to 7 days before the examination following individual examination schedules

For doctorate’s course, students who have received an approval for an extension for the examination period in the previous semester (2016 1st semester) need not submit these documents.

1. Masters : Thesis Examination will take place between late November and early December as open presentations. Further information will be announced at a later date. Refer to for information on papers for judging

2. Doctorate : Doctorate Dissertation exams will take place individually with the 1st round in October and the final examination in December as an open presentation.


1) Masters Thesis Examination

(presentation and written language) By principle, the presentation and writing of the thesis should be done in English

2) Doctorate Dissertation Examination

(Presentation and written language) By principle, the presentation and writing should be done in English and the 1st round of exams will be taken in April or October, with the final exam in June or December.

From 2014 2nd Semester onwards, the 1st rounds of the Doctorate Dissertation Examination will be held as open presentations where professors and other post-grad can attend. Please inform Officer Simryoung Park (, 880-1914) from the faculty offices of the confirmed schedule with the judging professors to ensure that the 1st rounds can be held in October.

1. Application for Private Thesis

- Only applicable for reasons such as patents or work-related security issues.

- By principle, prior approval is required (Amendment)

- Applicants are to submit the “Private Thesis Application (attached 6)” and documentary evidence to ME office by 10. 28 (Fri.).

2. With regards to obtaining Masters Degree for Masters/Doctorate combined course completion students (From 2016 2nd semester onwards)

Shortcut to previous related announcement

[Policy] Following Article 89 Clause 3 and [Regulations regarding the operation of SNU Masters/Doctorate combined course] amendment (2016. 9. 6), Masters/Doctorate combined course completion students must fulfill specified requirements to receive their master’s degree

1) By principle, Masters/Doctorate combined course students only receive a doctorate’s degree, with the master’s degree only given in exceptions.

2) Students who completed the Masters/Doctorate combined course who wish to obtain a masters degree must first forfeit the combined course’s doctorate degree before applying for a Master’s Degree and must submit a Doctorate Degree Forfeit Form (Attachment 5) to ME office.

3)Students in the combined course who have opted to receive a master’s degree may not receive a doctorate’s degree from the same course.

4) Applicants who are applicants of the 2016 2nd semester Masters Thesis Exam are to submit the

“Doctorate Degree Forfeit Form (Attachment 5)” to ME office by 9.29 (Thur.).


[Submission of Thesis Examination Results Report] by 2017. 1. 6 (Fri)

[Request for extension of Thesis Examination Period] By 2017. 1. 6 (Fri) (Only applicable for Doctorate)

[Online Submission of Original File to Library] After the end of examinations ~ Before submission of hard cover thesis

[Submission of Paper for Preservation] 2017. 2. 1 (Wed) ~ 2. 3 (Fri) <3 Days>

* Subject to changes depending on library situations

Enquiries : Officer Shim Ryoung Park (, 880-1914)

1. Masters Thesis Examination Registration Format

2. Doctorate Dissertation Examination Registration Format

3. Thesis binding and printing tips

4. Guidelines for Post-grad Thesis Examination and Course Completion (150924)

5. Doctorate Degree Forfeit Form

6. Private Thesis Application Form

7. Word Proceeding Format_Mechanical Engineering Masters.