
[Graduate School] (2016 1st Semester) Thesis/Dissertation Submission Announcement

Simryoung Park

[Graduate Students] 2016 1st Semester Thesis/Dissertation Submission Announcement<?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

The submission of Masters’ Thesis and Doctorate Dissertations (PDF and Hardcopy) for 2016 1st semester should be as follows. Students must submit within the submission period.

1. Thesis/Dissertation (PDF file)
a. Submission Period: After completion of Exam ~ 2016.7.28(Thur) (Before Submission of hardcopy)
b. How to submit: Central Library homepage ( àLibrary services à Shortcut to online submission of thesis within the Thesis “Submission” page à upload to appropriate site (

2. Thesis/Dissertation (Hardcopy)
a. Submission Period : 2016.07.26 (Tue) ~ 7. 28 (Thur), 3 days ( 09:30 ~ 17:30 )
b. Submission Location & instructions : Central Library Lobby Reception (self-submission or substitute-submission)
c. Number of copies to submit : 3 copies (1 original, 2 copies)
*1 copy must have the original “Thesis Approval Sheet (Either signed or stamped by all advisory committee members )” with an attachment of the original “A Statement of Agreement for the Web Service of the Full Document” on the next page (not back page). Other copies must have the copy of “Thesis Approval Sheet (Either signed or stamped by all advisory committee members )”

* “A Statement of Agreement for the Web Service of the Full Document” can be downloaded from the Central Library Homepage ( à Library Services à Thesis Submission Page

3. Thesis/Dissertation Submission Confirmation Form, Copy of Paper Cover Page, Copy of
Thesis Approval Sheet
, Copy of the first page of Original (Introduction section), Abstract

a. Submission Period : 2016. 7. 26 (Tue) ~ 7. 28 (Thur), 3 days
b. Submission Location : ME Office (301-116)
c. How to get “Thesis/Dissertation Submission Confirmation Form”
- Can be obtained, when submitting paper to central library lobby reception
- Print from Central Library Homepage ( à Thesis online submission à “Submission History” (after submission of PDF and Hardcopy)
* Unpaid fees or overdue books must be dealt with before printing

4. Cautionary Notice
- Failure to submit will result in removal from Master/Doctorate Certification list
- Hardcopy submission can only be during the submission period. Updating of paper due to edits or security problems must be applied for before hand (Please enquire beforehand)
- Paper title and language must be the same as papers submitted for exam
- Substitute submission is possible but papers must follow required format as stated above
- Application to make paper private (Only applicable to patent issues or corporate security, papers can be applied to be private for up to 3 years) must be done by 2016. 07. 20 (Wed) 
- Please check English names on the school portal for obtaining Masters/Doctorate
* How to edit : SNU Portal ( à Academic Affairs à My Info Student Info Modify Personal Info
* Enquires for PDF Submission : So Dam Kwon 880 - 5567,
* Enquiries for Paper Submission : Juni Park 880 – 5284,

5. Additional Notice
Our department holds on “Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award” every February. Students applicable for this award are expected doctorate graduates of 2016 August, 2017 February. Interested expected graduates of 2016 august should enquire to officer Hee Joung Choi 880 – 1914,

1. A Statement of Agreement for the Web Service of the Full Document Form
2. Format for thesis and printing
3. Thesis submission information _ ME office
*Enquiries : officer Simryoung Park (tel. 880-1914) (