Department News

Fundamental Considerations on Inducer Design for Turbo- Pumps

Seminar Date 2001-08-31
1.제 목 : Fundamental Considerations on Inducer Design for Turbo- Pumps

2.연 사 : Jinkook Lee, Ph.D.

3.연사약력 : Jinkook Lee, Ph.D. has twenty four years of various industrial hands-

on experiences in the USA in the field of fluid mechanics,

aerodynamics and heat transfer specializing in turbomachinery and

fluid machinery design such as inducer, impeller, turbine and

turbopump. He is a lead organizer of ASME Fluid Machinery Forum

for 2001 and 2002 as well as Forum for the Industrial Compressors

Session of the International Mechanical Engineering

Conference(IMECE) for 2001 and 2002.

4.일 시 : 2001년 5월 9일(수) 17:00-18:00

5.장 소 : 301동 1512호

6. 내 용 : Basic Aero/Hydraudynamic design considerations of incuder design

for the application on the aeronautical and space propulsion.

Inducer inlet cavitation breakdown parameter which is the critical

performance limit, and other flow phenomena at various operating

conditions will be discussed.

7.문 의 : 기계항공공학부 강 신 형 교수 (☏ 880-7113 )