Department News

Prof. Sung-Hoon Ahn as President of Academic Society for Appropriate Technology



Professor Sung-Hoon Ahn of SNU Dept. of Mechanical Engineering has been appointed as the President of the Academic Society for Appropriate Technology. The Academic Society for Appropriate Society encompasses a variety of engineering fields including architecture and infrastructure, water, ICT and smart technology, energy, manufacturing, and environment. It also conducts joint research multiple areas such as medical services and healthcare, agriculture, climate action, education, regional development, international cooperation and official development assistance (ODA) for developing nations.
Prof. Ahn received his Ph.D. from Stanford University. He served as the Director of University Industrial Technology Force, Director of SNU Institute for Global Social Responsibility, and Vice President of SNU Graduate School of Engineering Practice. Currently, he is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology, a Fellow at the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), and a Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Korea.