Department News

[세미나] Intelligent Airport Operations and Control (Dr. Kim, Sang Hyun, Georgia Institute of Technology)

Seminar Date 2014-01-24

1. 제  목 : Intelligent Airport Operations and Control

2. 연  사 : Dr. Kim, Sang Hyun (Georgia Institute of Technology)

3. 일  시 : 2014년 1월 24일 (금)  11:00-11:50

4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 117호 세미나실

5. 내  용
 Airport resources are insufficient to satisfy growing traffic demands. So, it is required to manage airport operations with the current resources. Among various stages in airport operations, ramp and gate operations influence both air-side and land-side operations as well as both arrival and departure operations. In spite of its importance on the ramp operations, there is a lack of research to account ramp congestion when gates are assigned. 
 The first step is to better understand ramp operations focusing on aircraft movements, and a ramp operations model based on observations at Atlanta Airport is presented. Based on the ramp model, a gate assignment problem is proposed, which satisfies the needs of passengers, aircraft, and operations. Using actual data at a major hub airport, the proposed gate assignment is assessed by means of passengers'' transit time, passengers'' time spent on the ramp, and passengers'' waiting time for a gate.
Gate assignment also influences the efficiency of departure operations. When an airport is congested, departure metering controls the number of pushbacks in order to reduce airport congestion. However, it increases the chance of gate conflict, which disturbs ramp operations and reduces the efficiency of departure metering as well as ramp operations. Using the simulation of departure processes at two airports, the interrelationship between departure metering and gate assignment is analyzed.

6. 약  력
 2013 –현재  Post-doctoral Associate at Georgia Institute of Technology
 2013    Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology
 2007    B.S. Seoul National University
7. 문  의 : 기계항공공학부 기창돈 교수 (☏ 880-1912)