Department News

[세미나] A Novel Porous Ventilated Brake Disc for Heavy Duty Vehicles (Prof. Tongbeum Kim, University of the Witwatersrand, Johann

Seminar Date 2014-01-08

1. 제  목 :  A Novel Porous Ventilated Brake Disc for Heavy Duty Vehicles

2. 연  사 :  Prof. Tongbeum Kim (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)

3. 일  시 :  2014년 1월 8일 (수) 11:00-12:30

4. 장  소 :  301동 1409호

5. 내  용 : A new class of ventilated brake discs, which incorporates an open cellular porous core: wire-woven bulk diamond (WBD) is introduced. Transient and steady-state thermo-fluidic characteristics are presented. As reference, commercially available solid and pin-finned brake discs are also considered. The best performing brake disc vis-à-vis operating temperature is dependent on the duration of braking: for a short braking event T(solid)<T(pin-finned)<T(porous); however for extended braking T(porous)<T(pin-finned)<T(solid). In typical operating ranges (up to 1000 rpm), the WBD core provides up to 36% higher overall cooling capacity over that obtainable by the conventional cores. Flow mixing in an enlarged heat transfer area by the WBD core is responsible for the substantial heat transfer enhancement. Furthermore, the three-dimensional morphology of the WBD core gives rise to a tangentially and radially more uniform temperature distribution. Although the WBD core causes a higher pressure drop, this is balanced by the benefit of a stronger suction of cooling flow. The WBD core is mechanically strong yet light whilst providing a substantial reduction in a brake’s operating temperature.

6. 연사약력: Tongbeum Kim is a Personal Professor of Thermofluids in the School of Mechanical, Industrial and Aeronautical Engineering. He completed his MSc at the Georgia Institute of Technology, USA and MPhil and PhD at the University of Cambridge, UK. His research interests include thermo-physics and engineering in porous media. He received the HTFS Best Paper Award from UK National Heat Transfer Committee (09/2003) and the Outstanding Reviewer Award from the ASME Journal of Heat Transfer (11/2012).
7. 문  의 : 기계항공공학부 송성진 교수 (☏ 880-1701)