Department News

[세미나] In-flame soot particles in an automotive-size diesel engine (국상훈 교수, Univ. of New South Wales)

Seminar Date 2014-01-09

1. 제 목: In-flame soot particles in an automotive-size diesel engine

2. 연 사: 국상훈 교수 (Univ. of New South Wales)

3. 일 시: 2014년 1월 9일 (목), 오전 11시~12시

4. 장 소: 301동 117호

5. 내 용:
This talk introduces recent findings in one of four main research areas of the Kook research group at UNSW, namely in-flame diesel soot particles. The negative impacts of combustion generated soot particles on human health and the environment are serious concerns in diesel engines. Measurements of exhaust soot level and particle size distribution have been widely used to address this issue. In-cylinder soot volume fraction measurement using an optical engine and laser-based diagnostics has been another approach to understand soot formation processes. None of these measurements however provide important details of size, shape and structure of soot particles that are in the formation and oxidation stages within the diesel flame inside the engine cylinder. To bridge this gap, in-flame soot sampling based on the thermophoresis of particles and subsequent transmission electron microscope (TEM) imaging has been conducted in a working diesel engine. Sampled soot particles were imaged by a TEM and post-processed to acquire the number of aggregates, projection area on the sampling grid, and size distribution. Of particular interests are the progression of soot particles at four different stages of diesel combustion as the diesel flame develops prior to the wall impingement, propagates after the wall impingement, extinguishes during the late-cycle burn-out, and flows out to the exhaust pipe. Towards its practical application, the effect of fuel injection pressure and timing on the size distribution of soot aggregates and primary particles are also discussed.

6. 연사약력:
Dr. Sanghoon Kook is a faculty in School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,  the University of New South Wales, and directs the UNSW Engine Research Laboratory. He also serves as Director of Research dealing with research strategy and new staff hiring for the school. His expertise lies in optical/laser-based imaging diagnostics in high-pressure transient combustion environments for a fundamental understanding of combustion and pollutants formation. Dr. Kook has authored more than 70 papers including a journal article received Horning Memorial "Best Paper" Award from Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) in 2005. Also, he was named a winner of JSPS Invitational Fellowship administered by Australian Academy of Science twice (2011 and 2014), a finalist of R&D category of Australian Engineering Excellence Award - Sydney Division (2012), and a recipient of SAE Teetor Educational Award (2013). More details about the Kook research group are found in
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 송한호 교수(☏ 880-1651)