Department News
[세미나] Nonlinear Control and Estimation Challenges of Developing Robotic Falcons to Prevent Airport Bird Strikes (Prof. Soon-Jo
1. 제 목 : Nonlinear Control and Estimation Challenges of Developing Robotic Falcons to Prevent Airport Bird Strikes
2. 연 사 : Soon-Jo Chung
(Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
3. 일 시 : 2013년 11월 8일 (금) 오후 2시 ~ 3시 30분
4. 장 소 : 신공학관 301동 117호 세미나실
5. 내 용 :
The intelligence of natural flyers manifests itself in the evasive talents of flocks of birds and our project attempts to recreate that intelligence through applying autonomous robotic falcons to the problem of preventing aircraft/bird collisions near airports. According to surveys by the International Bird Strike Committee, the only proven lasting way of removing birds is by using live birds of prey, but real birds are too difficult to control and train. The objective of this project, motivated by the problem of keeping airfields clear of disruptive avian flocks, is to develop control and sensing strategies for bird-like flapping robots that can be deployed in swarms to fend off "antagonists." We study the stability of coupled nonlinear oscillators to prove that flapping flight dynamics without traditional aerodynamic control surfaces can be effectively controlled by a reduced set of central pattern generator (CPG) parameters that generate complex 3D oscillatory motions of two main wings.
I will also present a PDE boundary control formulation of controlling flexible wings described by PDEs and whose output is given by a spatial integral of weighted functions of the state. For wing bending, we employ a novel control scheme based on a dyadic perturbation observer (DPO).
For vision-based sensing problems, I will describe a new optimal nonlinear filter based on a linear matrix inequality state-dependent algebraic Riccati equation (LMI-SDARE) algorithm. This talk is based on several papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and Automatica.
6. 약 력 및 경 력 :
Prof. Soon-Jo Chung received the S.M. degree in aeronautics and astronautics and the Sc.D. degree in estimation and control from MIT in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He received the B.S. degree (summa cum laude) in Aerospace Engineering from KAIST in 1998. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Aerospace Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research areas include nonlinear control and estimation theory, aerial robotics, flight dynamics and controls, spacecraft GNC, and estimation theory for vision-based navigation. He received an AFOSR Young Investigator Award, an NSF CAREER Award, and two best paper awards from the IEEE and the AIAA. Prof. Chung was a Member of the Guidance & Control Group in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a JPL Summer Faculty Fellow during the summers of 2010-2013.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 김유단 교수 (☏ 880-7398) 담당 : 오경택 (☏ 880-7392)