Department News
[세미나] Alternative fuels for transportation – drivers, options and trends(Dr. Thomas Wallner, Argonne National Laboratory)
1. 제 목: Alternative fuels for transportation – drivers, options and trends
2. 연 사 : Dr. Thomas Wallner, Argonne National Laboratory
3. 일 시 : 2013년 10월 25일 (금) 오전 11시
4. 장 소 : 314동 211호
5. 내 용 :
Despite the fact that the idea of using alternative fuels for transportation applications is as old as the internal combustion engine itself, 95% of vehicles worldwide are powered with conventional fuels. In light of concerns over limited fossil resources as well as regulated and greenhouse gas emissions several alternative fuels have been promoted over the last decades with ethanol and electricity currently being the most dominant options. However, most (all) alternative fuels share similar shortcomings in terms of infrastructure, storage and vehicle range. This seminar discusses drivers for alternative fuels research, highlights past and predicted trends for non-conventional fuels and outlines some of the main challenges for various alternatives.
6. 연사약력 :
Thomas Wallner is a Principal Mechanical Engineer at Argonne’s Center for Transportation Research. In this role Thomas plans, performs and analyzes work for research projects on engine and combustion topics with various fuels including hydrogen and natural gas, gasoline and alcohol fuels as well as diesel fuel. Thomas came to Argonne from Graz University of Technology, Austria where he worked for the Institute of Internal Combustion Engines and Thermodynamics. Since 2009 Dr. Wallner is also part of the adjunct faculty at Michigan Technological University. As Assistant Professor in the Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics Department he supervises and mentors students for the masters’ as well as doctoral research work.
Dr. Wallner has published more than 50 peer-reviewed technical papers and holds a European Patent on Hydrogen Injection Strategies. He is also an active member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and has been acting as a session organizer and chair at several national and international conferences. He recently finished a term as the Chair of the Society of Automotive Engineers'' (SAE) Advanced Power Source Committee, serves as an Associate Editor for SAE’s International Journal of Engines and was recently elected vice chair of SAE’s Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Activity.
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 민경덕 교수