Department News

[세미나] US Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collaboration Opportunities in Asia ( Lt Col David R. Hopper, USAF)

Seminar Date 2013-09-02

1. 제 목: US Air Force Office of Scientific Research Collaboration Opportunities in Asia

2. 연 사: Lt Col David R. Hopper (USAF)

3. 일 시: 2013년 9월 2일 (월) 10:30 ~ 11:30 

4. 장 소: 301동 1418호

5. 내 용:
The US Air Force Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD), located in Tokyo, Japan, oversees the U.S. Air Force’s Research and Development (R&D) interests in East Asia and the Western Pacific region. AOARD’s geographical area of responsibility covers East Asian and Western Pacific countries, including Australia, India and New Zealand. AOARD’s aim is to discover and promote the development of world-class fundamental research relevant to Air Force needs. AOARD seeks to establish collaboration between Air Force scientists and engineers with their counterparts in East Asian and Western Pacific countries. AOARD supports AFRL’s research mission by making the US-based laboratory aware of scientific breakthroughs in Asia and by establishing ties between top-level researchers in all regions of the world. AOARD has three programs to facilitate scientific discovery and research exchange: Conference Support Program, Windows-on-Science Visits and the Research Grants and Contracts Program.
6. 연사약력:
Lt Col David R. Hopper is a 19-year USAF officer, currently stationed in Tokyo, Japan. He is a program officer for the Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (AOARD), an international arm of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR). His Air Force assignments include helicopter flight test, turbine engine research and development, and teaching aeronautical engineering at the US Air Force Academy. Lt Col Hopper has a PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from the US Air Force Institute of Technology. At AOARD, he manages the Combustion and Aerothermal Sciences program, with projects in various countries in Asia, Europe and Australia.
7. 문 의: 기계항공공학부 조규진 교수 ( , 880-1663)