Department News

[세미나] KAIST Nano-Satellite (LINK) and Technology Vision (Prof. Bang, Hyochoong, Department of Aerospace, KAIST)

Seminar Date 2013-06-12

1. 제  목 : KAIST Nano-Satellite (LINK) and Technology Vision

2. 연  사 : Prof. Bang, Hyochoong (Department of Aerospace, KAIST)

3. 일  시 : 2013년 6월 12일 (수)  16:30-18:00

4. 장 소 : 서울대학교 301동 1409-1호 세미나실

5. 내  용
    KAIST ASCL (Aerospace Systems and Control Laboratory) is participating in QB50 Nano-satellite program, an international effort to launch 50 nano-satellites simultaneously. The satellite is a 2U size standard Cubesat structure with active attitude control capability. The satellite pointing accuracy and pointing knowledge need to meet onboard space science payload mission objectives. The payload data also should be transmitted to the ground station with a minimum daily transmission rate.  
  The satellite design is primarily based upon COTS products with ensured flight heritage already. Key subsystems include communication subsystem, telemetry and command subsystem, electronic power subsystem and attitude control subsystem.  The attitude control system requires onboard flight computer and flight software, which should be prepared by in-house approach. So far, System Readiness Review(SRR) and Preliminary Design Review(PDR) have been completed for KAIST Nano-satellite(LINK). Now we are now under critical design phase as the final step for flight model design to be launched in 20125.
     Current status on KAIST nan-satellite will be shared in this talk. Overall system layout and interface plan are covered. Moreover, introduction to nano-satellite attitude determination will be presented.

6. 약  력 :
 2001 -현재         Professor of  KAIST
 1995.03-1999.08  Senior Researcher, Korea Aerospace Research Institute
 1992.09-1994.12  Adjunct Professor , U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
 1992.08              Ph.D.  Texas A&M University
 1987.02              M.S. Seoul National University
 1985.02              B.S. Seoul National University
7. 문  의 : 기계항공공학부 기창돈 교수 (☏ 880-1912)