Department News

[기계전공대학원 세미나] Fully Integrated Lab-on-a-disc for Point-of-Care Diagnostics (조윤경 교수, 울산과학기술대학교 나노생명화학공학부)

Seminar Date 2013-04-26

1. 제 목 : Fully Integrated Lab-on-a-disc for Point-of-Care Diagnostics

2. 연 사 : 조윤경 교수 (울산과학기술대학교 나노생명화학공학부)

3. 일 시 : 2013년 4월 26일 (금) 16:30-17:30

4. 장 소 : 301동 105호

5. 내 용
“Lab-on-a-chip” refers a device that integrates multiple functions on a small-sized chip, which could be achieved by using large-sized equipments and well-trained expert in regular laboratories. In this presentation, we will discuss our on-going research on “Lab-on-a-disc”, which applies centrifugal force to pump fluid, for biological and chemical analysis. It is advantageous because of the capability to integrate and automate all the process into a disc-shaped device with simple, size-reduced, and cost-efficient instrumentation. For the full integration and automation from the raw sample preparation to the final detection on a small-sized device, collaborative efforts among biologists, chemist, clinicians, and engineers are pre-requisite. We report various examples of fully integrated "lab-on-a-disc" for the biomedical applications such as pathogen specific DNA extraction to test infectious diseases, enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA), simultaneous detection of blood chemistry and immunoassay, and multiplexed immunoassays starting from whole blood. Integration with microfluidic technology allows more precise control of fluids while also reducing the expensive reagent consumption, the required analysis time and possible handling errors. We believe these collaborative efforts will not only improve the performance of the point-of-care-diagnostic devices but also potentially have great impact on global healthcare.

6. 연사약력
 1998 ~ 1992: POSTECH, 화학공학과 학사
 1992 ~ 1994: POSTECH, 화학공학과 석사
 1994 ~ 1999: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Materials Sci. & Eng. 박사
 1999 ~ 2008: 삼성종합기술원, 전문연구원
 2008 ~ 2010: UNIST, 나노생명화공학부/기계신소재공학부, 조교수
 2010 ~ 현 재: UNIST, 나노생명화공학부/기계신소재공학부, 부교수
7. 문 의 : 기계항공공학부 서갑양 교수(, 민경덕 교수(