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[세미나]전석우교수(카이스트)3D Nanofabrication in Extremely Large Area by Proximity field nanoPatterning
Seminar Date
교육과학기술부 글로벌프론티어 (재)멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 (단장: 최만수 교수) 은 나노기술과 에너지 기술의 융합을 통하여 혁신적 미래 광에너지와 분자에너지 원천기술 개발을 목표로 하는 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구사업을 추진하고 있습니다. 연구단에서는 격주로 멀티스케일 에너지 강좌를 개최하고자 합니다. 관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다.
1.제 목 : 3D Nanofabrication in Extremely Large Area by Proximity field nanoPatterning
2.연 사 : 전 석우 교수 (카이스트 신소재공학과)
3.일 시 : 2012년 3월 26일 (월) 16:00 ~ 17:00
4.장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관 (301동) 117호 세미나실
5.내 용 : Abstract : Numerous three dimensional (3D) nanofabrication methods have been proposed for novel applications in energy devices, optical components, catalysis supports, metamaterials, and etc. However, highly periodic 3D fabrication in large area and volume has limited success. Here I present our effort to expand the limit in size of highly periodic 3D nanostructures through Proximity field nanoPatterning which uses conformal phase masks and demonstrates the scalability and easiness of the large area patterning. After brief overview of 3D nanofabrication technique and potential application fields, technical advantages of PnP will be discussed. Current strategy to increase the in plane size of conformal phase masks and photosensitive material promises 5 by 5 inch 3D nanostructures with the thickness ~0.1 mm. Examples of using the polymeric 3D nanostructures as it is for optical coating, or as templates for the infiltration of elastomers, oxides, and metals for stretchable conductors and high surface area applications prove the importance of well ordered 3D nanostructures. We believe PnP can be a potential solution for the unanswered question of nanotechnology: perfect alignment of nanomaterial in large scale.
6. 약 력 : Current from 8/2008 , Assistant Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Kaist Institute for Nanocentury 1/2007 to 7/2008 , Postdoctoral fellow, Columbia University 1/2003 to 12/2006, Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UIUC 3/2001 to 1/2003, Master in Materials Science and Engineering, SNU 3/1993 to 2/2000, Bachelor in Inorganic Materials Science and Engineering, SNU
7. 문 의 : 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 연구지원본부 (☏ 880-6669,6670) 남기태 교수 (재료공학부), 최만수 교수 (기계항공공학부)
교육과학기술부 글로벌 프론티어
멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교
멀티스케일 에너지 강좌
1.제 목 : 3D Nanofabrication in Extremely Large Area by Proximity field nanoPatterning
2.연 사 : 전 석우 교수 (카이스트 신소재공학과)
3.일 시 : 2012년 3월 26일 (월) 16:00 ~ 17:00
4.장 소 : 서울대학교 신공학관 (301동) 117호 세미나실
5.내 용 : Abstract : Numerous three dimensional (3D) nanofabrication methods have been proposed for novel applications in energy devices, optical components, catalysis supports, metamaterials, and etc. However, highly periodic 3D fabrication in large area and volume has limited success. Here I present our effort to expand the limit in size of highly periodic 3D nanostructures through Proximity field nanoPatterning which uses conformal phase masks and demonstrates the scalability and easiness of the large area patterning. After brief overview of 3D nanofabrication technique and potential application fields, technical advantages of PnP will be discussed. Current strategy to increase the in plane size of conformal phase masks and photosensitive material promises 5 by 5 inch 3D nanostructures with the thickness ~0.1 mm. Examples of using the polymeric 3D nanostructures as it is for optical coating, or as templates for the infiltration of elastomers, oxides, and metals for stretchable conductors and high surface area applications prove the importance of well ordered 3D nanostructures. We believe PnP can be a potential solution for the unanswered question of nanotechnology: perfect alignment of nanomaterial in large scale.
6. 약 력 : Current from 8/2008 , Assistant Professor in Department of Materials Science and Engineering, KAIST, Kaist Institute for Nanocentury 1/2007 to 7/2008 , Postdoctoral fellow, Columbia University 1/2003 to 12/2006, Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, UIUC 3/2001 to 1/2003, Master in Materials Science and Engineering, SNU 3/1993 to 2/2000, Bachelor in Inorganic Materials Science and Engineering, SNU
7. 문 의 : 멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단 연구지원본부 (☏ 880-6669,6670) 남기태 교수 (재료공학부), 최만수 교수 (기계항공공학부)
교육과학기술부 글로벌 프론티어
멀티스케일 에너지 시스템 연구단/서울대학교
멀티스케일 에너지 강좌